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10.01.21 Newsletter

Week beginning Sunday 10th January 2021. (Year B)

Saturday 2nd January: 5pm Mass via Zoom

Readings:1 John 2:22-28; Psalm 97(98):1-4; John 1:19-28

THE BAPTISM OF THE LORD : 9.30am Mass in Church with live zoom stream

Readings: Isaiah 55:1-11; Psalm Isaiah 12; 1 John 5:1-9; Mark 1:7-11

Monday: 1 Samuel 3:3-10,19; Psalm 39(40):2,4,7-10; 1 Corinthians 6:13-15,17-20; John 1:35-42

Tuesday: Hebrews 2:5-12; Psalm 8:2,5-9; Mark 1:21-28

Wednesday: Hebrews 2:14-18; Psalm 104(105):1-4,6-9; Mark 1:29-39 (St Hilary,Bishop, Doctor)

Thursday: 9am Mass via Zoom.

Readings: Hebrews 3:7-14; Psalm 94(95):6-11; Mark 1:40-45

Friday: Hebrews 4:1-5,11; Psalm 77(78):3-4,6-8; Mark 2:1-12

Saturday: 5pm Mass via Zoom (For Sunday)

Readings of the day: Hebrews 4:12-16; Psalm 18(19):8-10,15; Mark 2:13-17

Next Sunday 2nd Sunday in Ordinary time

Readings: 1 Samuel 3:3-10,19; Psalm 39(40):2,4,7-10; 1 Corinthians 6:13-15,17-20; John 1:35-42

SPIRITUAL COMMUNION: For those of us accessing Mass on line or on television, whilst we cannot physically receive the Body and Blood of Our Lord Jesus Christ, we can receive Spiritual Communion. A letter form the catholic Bishops Conference reminds us that “the idea of spiritual communion is an important one to remember and reaffirm” as through it “ all are united in some way by the Holy Spirit” and they offer the following prayer for recitation:

Oh my Jesus,I believe that you are present in this Holy Sacrament of the altar.

I love you above all things, and I passionately desire to receive You into my soul.

Since I cannot at this moment receive You sacramentally come spiritually into my soul.

so that I may unite myself wholly to you now and forever. Amen

Please see the below your Zoom meeting details for this week

Saturday 9th January at 5pm Meeting ID: 846 0534 8781 Passcode: 341830

Sunday 10th January at 9.30am Meeting ID: 889 3420 1181 Passcode: 239533

Thursday 14th January at 9am Meeting ID: 899 0069 7209 Passcode: 984281


THE POPE’S INTENTIONS FOR JANUARY: For evangelization – Human Fraternity. May the Lord give us the grace to live in full fellowship with our brothers and sisters of other religions, praying for one another, open to all.

COVID-19, VACCINATION AND THE CHURCH: There has been considerable excitement recently because of the news of good progress in the production and testing of vaccines to protect against COVID-19. The excitement is perfectly understandable because of the worldwide spread of the virus and the illnesses and deaths, which have resulted. COVID-19 is a threat throughout the world and we need a worldwide solution.

There are certain moral issues, which apply around vaccines and vaccination. As far as vaccination itself is concerned the Catholic Church “strongly supports vaccination and regards Catholics as having a prima facie (all other things being equal) duty to be vaccinated, not only for the sake of their own health but also out of solidarity with others, especially the most vulnerable.” (1)

A further moral issue is raised by how the vaccines are produced. There are some of the COVID-19 vaccines which are entirely uncontroversial. But some others may have involved the use of cell lines which were originally developed from abortions performed over 50 years ago. We have a moral duty to object if new cell lines from new abortions are being used today. However, our bishops have received the assurance of the Department of Health and Social Care that “no new human foetal tissue will be used in making the (COVID) vaccine …” (2)

However, some of the researchers producing COVID vaccines may have used old cell lines. Despite reassurances, this offers us a possible moral dilemma. In accepting such a vaccine would we be condoning the original abortion? In a document published in 2017 the Pontifical Academy for Life said that “all clinically recommended vaccinations can be used with a clear conscience and that the use of such vaccines does not signify some sort of cooperation with voluntary abortion.” (3) But, in the end, it is a matter of prudent judgement of conscience.

In brief: we all have a duty to protect ourselves and others, especially against dangers as great as COVID-19. Many of the vaccines have been produced with no morally objectionable methods. Those that do, can still be accepted with a clear conscience because of the remoteness of the connection with an abortion many years ago. It is not yet clear if we will have any choice about which vaccine we will offered but “whilst many may in good conscience judge that they will accept such a vaccine, some may in good conscience judge that they will not. If the choice is made not to receive this vaccination, then the person must make other provision to mitigate the risk of harm to the life and health of others and to his or her own life and health.”(cbcew, September 2020)


  • (1)&(2) Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales: August 2020

  • (3) ‘Note on Italian vaccine issue’ (2017) Pontifical Academy for Life

  • A further document from the Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales was published on 25 September 2020

DONATIONS TO CHURCH: Have you been thinking of donating to church but unsure of how to do so with the current Covid-19 restrictions? It’s pretty easy. Here’s how you can do it:

1) Set up bank transfers (highly recommended), whether it is for a one off donation or regular giving via standing order. Make it payable to:

Account name: Diocese of Hallam St. Josephs Dinnington

Bank: HSBC Bank PLC

Sort Code: 40-41-07

Account number: 81094084

Please quote your name as reference. If you want to complete a Gift Aid Declaration, please contact Adeline on 07752-230051 (mobile).

2) Cash or cheque in an envelope - please quote your name and contact number on the envelope so it can be recorded for Gift Aid (if applicable).

3) Gift Aid Numbered Envelopes and/ or loose cash– place this in the loose plate collection at Mass

Thank you so much for your continued support and it is very much appreciated. For further assistance and advice, please contact Adeline on 07752-230051.

PRAYING FOR THE UNBORN AND WOMEN FACING CRISIS PREGNANCIES: We are asked by Right to Life UK to keep the following intentions in our prayers this month:

January 3rd - “As we begin this new year, we pray for all who may be considering an abortion. We pray that 2021 would see a decrease in cases of abortion, and instead a year of increased support, both practical and emotional, from all of us in society, bettering the care for all expectant mothers. Lord hear us.”

January 10th - “As we celebrate the baptism of our Lord, we recall our own baptism and the promise of life we have gained through it. We pray that all would be given the opportunity to experience life in its fullness, both in this world and the next. Lord hear us.”

January 17th - “As we open the week of prayer for Christian Unity, we pray especially for our shared calling to protect and preserve all life. We pray that our unity and ecumenical efforts on all life issues would inspire the world to join us in defending the lives and rights of all vulnerable in society. Lord hear us”

January 24th - “We pray for our Government, that their ability to support pregnant women would increase and that they would anchor themselves in the desire to protect all human life. Lord hear us”

January 31st - “For all going through difficult pregnancies, we pray for an overwhelming sense of hope and joy to fill their lives, and for increased support to be given by their family, friends, and local communities. Lord hear us”

170 CLUB MARCH DRAW: As you are aware the 170 club was suspended in March due to the Covid-19 pandemic. However the draw that should have taken place in March has taken place at Christmas and below are listed the lucky winners:

£200 (89) H.Smith £40 (145) P. Henstock £20 (166) T.Horton Congratulations!

It is hoped the draw will resume later this year when circumstances permit.


Grandma, Mary Brady, Christopher Browne, Eileen Butterfield, Jim Chandler, Peggy Cummins, Gillian Gee, Brendan Handley, Robert Hume, Sophie Hughes, Ged Krotki, Kumba, Pat Luton, Isabel Main-Reade, Haylen Markillie, Franz Muller, John Parker, Kate Patterson, Tom Rutherford, Sandra Sherratt, Olive Stafford, Robert Stock, Pat Vickers, Claire Watt, Michel and Father Andy’s friend Marie.

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St Josephs Church, Dinnington


Blessed William Richardson, Kiveton Park

St Josephs Roman Catholic Church, Swinston Hill, Dinnington, Sheffield, South Yorkshire, S25 2RX

Blessed William Richardson Catholic Church, 56 Station Road, Kiveton Park, Sheffield, South Yorkshire, S26 6QQ

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