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16.07.2023 Newsletter

St Joseph’s, Dinnington Parish Priest: Fr. Andy Tel: 01909 562664

Weekend Masses: Sunday 9.30am in church; Saturday 6pm at Blessed William Richardson, Kiveton

Email: Website:

EMERGENCY CONTACT: In the event of an emergency where you may specifically require the services of a priest please contact either Monica Carroll (07813 920844) or Anne Marie Carroll (07841 038633)

Week beginning Sunday 16th July 2023

15th Sunday in Ordinary Time. (Year A)

SATURDAY 15th July.

6pm Service of the Word with distribution of Holy Communion at Blessed William Richardson Church, Kiveton

Readings for the day:

Genesis 49:29-33,50:15-26; Psalm 104(105):1-4,6-7; Matthew 10:24-33

(Saint Bonaventure, Bishop, Doctor)

SUNDAY: 9.30am Mass in St Joseph’s

Readings :

Isaiah 55:10-11; Psalm 64(65):10-14; Romans 8:18-23; Matthew 13:1-23

MONDAY: No Mass today

Exodus 1:8-14,22; Psalm 123(124); Matthew 10:34-11:1

TUESDAY: 11.30am Hour of Quiet Prayer at Blessed William Richardson, Kiveton

7pm Mass in the parish rooms

Exodus 2:1-15; Psalm 68(69):3,14,30-31,33-34; Matthew 11:20-24

WEDNESDAY: No Mass today

Exodus 3:1-6,9-12; Psalm 102(103):1-4,6-7; Matthew 11:25-27

THURSDAY: 8.30am Mass in the parish rooms

Exodus 3:13-20; Psalm 104(105):1,5,8-9,24-27; Matthew 11:28-30

(Saint Apollinaris, Bishop, Martyr)

FRIDAY: No Mass today

Exodus 11:10-12:14; Psalm 115(116):12-13,15-18; Matthew 12:1-8

(Saint Laurence of Brindisi, Priest, Doctor)


6pm Mass at Blessed William Richardson Church. Kiveton. (for Sunday)

Readings for the day:

Song of Songs 3:1-4; Psalm 62(63):2-6,8-9; John 20:1-2,11-18

Next Sunday: 16th Sunday in Ordinary Time

9.30am Mass in St. Joseph’s.


Wisdom 12:13,16-19; Psalm 85(86):5-6,9-10,15-16;

Romans 8:26-27; Matthew 13:24-43

PARISH PRAYER FOR THE WEEK: We pray for the Church; may all Christians have hearts open to receive the word of God, so the Gospel may grow within us and our lives may bear fruit in deeds of justice and peace. Lord, in your mercy...

THE POPE’S INTENTION FOR JULY: For a Eucharistic life We pray that Catholics may place the celebration of the Eucharist at the heart of their lives, transforming human relationships in a very deep way and opening to the encounter with God and all their brothers and sisters.


SOCIAL EVENING: A Parish Social Event is being organised for Saturday the 22nd of July 6.30pm to 10.00pm. This is to celebrate our Parish and also to welcome all those who have joined us in recent years. It will be held at the Middleton Hall on Barleycroft Lane, Dinnington.

Parking is available at Church. The Hall is just a short walk away. All welcome.

YOUTH MINISITRY IN THE ROTHERHAM DEANERY: Faith in Action: A meeting is taking place for anyone who is interested in working with youth in the Deanery. The introductory meeting on the 20 July at Immaculate Conception parish rooms, 238, Herringthorpe Valley Rd and the sessions that follow in the autumn are being lead by our Youth Ministry Coordinator Sue MacDonald and SVP youth support worker Julia Fitzgerald. This is a new initiative to give our young people ways to share their faith in a practical way through 6 sessions between October and February. Adult volunteers are needed to help make this happen. For more information please contact Sue on 07717 014488 or by email at

FOOD BANK: A Food Bank collection is taking place during July to help local families. Your donations will be gratefully received. Thank you.


St Wilfrid's Centre are delighted to have the amazing Sheffield Folk Chorale performing to raise funds for the Centre. The performance will be at Mother of God Church on Abbeydale Road. A large group of around 60 people make up the choir and it's sure to be a very memorable evening. Please come along and join us. Tickets are available from:

PLEASE REMEMBER OUR SICK: Maureen Appley; George Blow & his Grandma, Christopher Browne, Eileen Butterfield, Jim Chandler, Sam Cleasby, Peggy Cummins, Betty Delaney, Gillian Gee, Robert Hume, Sophie Hughes, Des Jenkinson, Owen Jenkinson; Sheila Kobyluch; Ged Krotki, Kumba, Isabel Main-Reade, Haylen Markillie, Charlie Massarella, Izabella O’Rourke, John Parker, Emma Pearson (Glen’s daughter), Annie Reynolds, Maria Senogles; Sandra Sherratt, Olive Stafford, Robert Stock, Pat Vickers, Teresa Williams and Michel

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