Minutes of Reflection Meeting 8th November 2023
Present:- S.H., Fr A.G, M.C., A.N., T.L., M.L., M.M., A-M.B., A.B.
Apologies:- J.C., H.A., M.P., C.P., M.G., A-M.C.
The Meeting started with a prayer.
Reflection:- Clericalism. It was felt that many parishes are still affected M.L. mentioned
that a recent Diocese Zoom meeting numbers were low with only 8 people
in total taking part. M.L. Mentioned at the recent Synod Meeting some members felt intimated by clothing worn eg: Bishop’s Clothing, Fth. A. G. Mentioned how he thought about not wearing Vestments, showing lay people and priests are all equal. A.G. Commented on clericalism and the fact he likes being called Andy instead of Fr. often older
priests are not delegating within their Parish. Hoping that a generation change would
alter this. The Synod suggested how consideration should be taken into account on How & Where Priesthood training should be i.e. Women to be included.
Many young priests are already segregated, even though over 60 years ago the Vatican
offered change. T.L. Asked How do we move on with the diocese? The Bishop gave the
impression that he is open to change. The next Synod meeting is in January 2024, M.C.
said that maybe we could prepare a view on this - possible share views but ultimately it
was down to the Deans / Priests. The Pope is prayerful of opening new channels, asking
to take consideration to encourage movement and hoping to keep the issue raised alive.
Fth.A.G. suggested to ask others to prepare and participate in Reflection - maybe a
suggestion box. S.H. to send out to the WhatsApp group 2 weeks before for any ideas to
be raised.
Finance & Maintenance
M.M. Provided an update in the finances - a Parish Income & Expenditure sheet was
handed out. Finance updates will be quarterly from now on.
The Health & Safety Portals have changed considerably involving more in depth work,
producing and logging. The Presbytery is now included on the Portal. M.M. is to contact
John Clarke at the Property Dept to discuss the process going forward.
New projects would be discussed in January. e.g. lighting, flat roof.
Sign of Peace
M.C. & Fth.A.G. agreed not to make a statement and leave it as it is. Leaving individuals
to make their own choice in how to show the Sign of Peace.
Enhancing the Community
A-M.B. raised how could we encourage more parishioners to join in for coffee in the
Parish Rooms after Mass.
S.H. mentioned doing Sausage Sandwiches and a Cake Sale as fundraisers, maybe using
a rota. It was agreed either be held on the 1st Sunday of each month in the rooms.
School Christmas Fayre
An appeal from Clare (Anne Brownells daughter) on the parish WhatsApp group has had a
great response, with many parishioners becoming involved.
Carols by Candlelight - 14th December at 7.15pm
S.H. has sent details out.
Coffee Afternoon- Everyone enjoyed and felt it was a great success. The next date is
Wednesday 6th December 1pm - 3pm.
Live Simply Award - Mass, award presentation and shared table afterwards on Sunday
19th November.
Family Mass - M.C. raised to have a Family Mass each month, for children to participate. A.N. said we would look to introduce this in the New Year.
Benches out of Church - The majority felt to leave the benches as they are, however
they can easily be moved when appropriate.
Notice Board - S.H. Asked to take into consideration of having a notice board in the
porch, showing weekly activity’s happening to give Parishioners a clearer view on what’s
Fth.A.G. Read out a Letter headed Direction of Deacons. M.C. was to respond.
Next Meeting Wednesday 6th December at 7pm.