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Minutes of the Reflection meeting September 13th 2023

Minutes of Reflection meeting July 13th

Present-S.H., Fr.A.G., M.C., A.N., T.L., M.M.,

Apologies- J.C., M.G., E.S., C.P., A-M. H.A., A.B.,A-M.B.,A-M.C.

The meeting started with a prayer.

Refelection -Synod

T.L. led the discussion- It was felt we needed more time for discussion, Pope Francis is concerned that everyone is included and the process is not confrontational. Tony had provided notes on the WhatsApp, this could be shared on the Parish What’sApp.

Plan-October Refelection meeting October 18th at 7.30 will be open to all the Parish, for the first hour for discussion so everyone is included.

Tony will speak at both Masses on October the 7th, 8th.

Season of Creation-

Parish walk starting from Roche Abbey on the 24th September after Mass.

A special Mass will be said to celebrate the season of creation.

Youth Leadership- It was felt at this time we have no young people in the parish to put forward for the Youth Leadership team.

Reflection Group- It was felt we need to encourage new members especially from Blessed William Richardsons.

Finance and Maintenance-

M.M. Provided an update on the finances. S.H. will email the figures sent from A.C. The finance will be reviewed every quarter.

The kitchen now has a new floor. Health and Safety file to be updated.

The hedge issue has been resolved. It was felt the hedge needs to be lower near the exit as it’s difficult to leave the car park.

The raffle money from the successful welcoming social has been put into the Parish funds. This was a very successful event.

Offertory rota- This would not be easy. H. will continue to organise but if she is absent A-M. will be informed.

Speakers at Mass- A plan till Christmas has been formulated with a range of speakers contacted to cover for Fr. Andy.

Kiveton -Songs of Praise was well attended a successful afternoon with lots of food. Thank you to all who helped.

Monthly Coffee Afternoon starting November the 1st in the Parish room 1pm-3pm, open to all. Any helpers would be welcome.

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