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PARISH MEETING: 18th November 2020 at 7pm on Zoom

Attendees: Father Andy Graydon, Shauna Hilton (Chair), Helen Arden, Alison Bergomi John Cape, Anne- Marie Carroll, Monica Carroll, Frank Fanning, Stella Green, Steve Green, Christine Handley, Maine Hobart, Elaine Horton, Tony & Marie Lear, Mark Massarella, Helen McKinney, Anne Neill, Maria Oldroyd, Chris Parrott, Maria Paton, Fiona Sealey, Mary Gilgrass, Maine Hobart, Kate Patterson, Emma Slack

Welcome: SH Welcomed everyone to the first Parish Meeting held on Zoom!

Father Andy started the meeting with a prayer

Reopening Church when restrictions are lifted and Advent Services:Fr Andy said, subject to Government restrictions allowing, we are expecting to open after 1st December, Masses are planned as follows:

.Sat 5 Dec

Sun 6 Dec

Thu 10 Dec Sat 12 Dec Sun 13 Dec Wed 16 Dec Thu 17 Dec Sat 19 Dec Sun 20 Dec Thu 24 Dec Fri 25 Dec Sat 26 Dec Sun 27 Dec Thu 31 Dec Fri 1 Jan

Sat 2 Jan

Sun 3 Jan

5pm 9.30 am 9.00 am 5pm 9.30 am 7.00pm 9.00 am 5pm 9.30 am 5pm 9.30 am 5pm 9.30 am 9.00 am 9.30am 5pm 9.30 am 9.30 am 9.00 am

It was hoped that notices on the Church notice board and personal contacts could inform people of this information so that those that are not on the Whats’ App group or able to source the Parish website are included. However, as numbers are so limited, we cannot afford to publicise the Mass times as widely as we would normally do. Fr Andy hoped that having two Masses, allowing 100 people in all to attend the Christmas Eve Vigil and Christmas morning, might give some flexibility to accommodate people if we have any spaces. Kiveton will not be in use over Christmas as it has not yet passed all the necessary regulations needed in order to reopen. MC reported how effective Zoono was in making the Church safe for Services, as when sprayed on the benches it was dry in two hours after testing.

Zoom Mass

Mass in Church*

Zoom Mass

Zoom Mass

Mass in Church*

Reconcilliation Service in Church* Bookings only also Zoom Mass

Zoom Mass

Mass in Church* Mass in Church* Mass in Church* Zoom Mass Mass in Church* Zoom Mass Zoom Mass Zoom Mass Mass in Church* Zoom Mass Zoom Mass

4th Sun in Advent

Christmas Vigil Recorded/Streamed Christmas Day Recorded/Streamed

Feast of The Holy Family New Year’s Day

Wed 6 Jan

Thu 7 Jan

*All Masses and Services in Church are on a Bookings only basis and anyone wishing to attend must contact Monica Carroll via the Parish or Zoom Mass Whats’App groups or by phoning Monica: Tel:H: 01909 569143 or Mob: 07813 920844 or email

Only 56 people are allowed in Church according to the Covid Health & Safety Regulations and we are not allowed to exceed that number as we are bound by the law that is there in order to protect everybody. Monica will set up a booking system so that people can apply in advance to attend all Christmas Services.

2nd Sun of Advent – Trial recording/streaming

3rd Sun of Advent

Feast of the Epiphany

Parish Finances:

Income Expenditure Surplus Oct 2020 on 10 months Oct 2019 on 10 months Variance on last year £20,684 £27,191 (excl large legacy) - £6,507

Deposit Savings account

£6,600 last year but will increase in Dec 2020 as based on last year’s income and is due to be paid in Dec).

• Plan to do some budgets going forward taking account that there may be further lockdowns

• Take account of Kiveton expenditure for repairs and maintenance (Pc sum for investment £5k-£13k)

• 170 Club - £1,200 collected during the period of church closure. Kevin is working his way through speaking to people as to whether they wish to donate or reclaim. Kevin would like to do the March draw at Xmas and keep the normal £250 prize money so we have some funds to start for the New Year. Unlikely to get back to normal until March. Volunteers to help Kevin at Kiveton and St Joseph’s would be appreciated. There will be a review in the New Year. Fr Andy will draw out the Christmas Draw.

• It was appreciated that Adeline had done work on gift aid but please let us know if you feel able to sign up to make your donations via Direct Debit and sign up for Gift Aid.

Investors in Community or Total Giving

SH had brought this up at the Reflection Group as someone was wanting to make a donation and enquiring if the Parish/School had a Just Giving page or the like. Hilary and Mark M prepared a paper for the Reflection Group’s consideration. Their recommendation was to go with Investors in Community. There is a lot on offer on their page, including volunteering and project options that gave wide options such as allowing for Kiveton or the School giving. Once you have set up your account with them, you can add money and do not need to keep adding in your details. The hope was that there would be a hyperlink off the new parish website to make it easy to donate. The idea of opening a page on both sites was not favoured. It was agreed that we would go with Investors in Community and feed back to them if we have any queries or problems, as they are locally supported. We would hope to have a little quorum to decide what we want to put on the site and hopefully involve Emma and Adeline (re gift aid) with that.

Foodbank and further donations

Normally in Advent we would collect food for the Dinnington Salvation Army but in present circumstances SH has established that they are open 9.30-11am on Saturday to accept food or baby things or they have a Just Giving Dinnington Army website for donations. Chris Parrott offered to be a collection point for anyone who wanted to drop off food for Dinnington Salvation Army with her. Food should not be dropped off at Church or the Presbytery.

Mary’s Meals we normally make a donation and presently the Government are doing matched-funding on any donations made between now and Jan 31 . this would also be put on the Parish Whats App. Swinton Lock were also looking for funds in these challenging times. St Joseph’s school are seeking funds for needy families and children at Christmas and also books for the children in school. If anyone wishes to support our Parish school it would be greatly appreciated.

Last Reflection Group Minutes

The Minutes of the last Reflection Group Meeting were approved. They contained a Report on the attendance by Laura Atkinson, Head of School, and Andrew Truby, Executive Headteacher at the last Zoom Reflection Group. They gave an excellent Presentation on all the wonderful work going on in School. They said how they really appreciate support from the parish and thanked everyone for the donations made which have been put to really good use.

Kiveton update

Work is proceeding on course and we are working towards a reopening of Kiveton hopefully in the New Year. There are certain Health & Safety regulations that need to be satisfied. Works relating to electrics etc and until we can satisfy all the requirements we cannot get back in there. There are costs of around £13k overall but we have secured a £4k donation thus far. Work has been done to roof, damp work, clearing overgrowth, but we await an essential Electrical Fixed Wire Test to be done by the Diocese. They did not turn up on 17th November but this will be re-arranged as soon as possible. There is further decorative and electrical work to be done as soon as possible and some handrails on the exit steps and the route out of church tidied up. That was the main thrust of the work planned before Christmas. There will be a few further works to satisfy the online file of Health and Safety work. Getting contractors before Christmas is not easy. The £13k of necessary work will be phased over a period of time and we may hopefully get it done for less. The Diocese are looking at capital expenditure that parishes have to incur over the next five years and we have recently had to complete a Diocesan Questionnaire in this regard.

It was hoped that the Star at Blessed William Richardson could be lit up in Advent and it was pointed out that this is on a timer and could be switched on by Darren when he goes in. We may need a cleaning team when the work has been completed.

Most of the Kiveton work is to satisfy Health&Safety work, but there will be further work to do at the back, flooring etc and it will depend when we feel we can afford it. From a Covid point of view most of the essential items have been put into the H&S work. There will be PPE and hand sanitiser costs, but these will not be significant. Ecumenical friends in Kiveton are looking forward to the time when Blessed William Richardson reopens. We need to look at numbers we will be allowed to have under Covid regulations at Kiveton. The hole in the flooring near the organ was mentioned and it was felt that we could tape this temporarily and any other rough areas. Ideally, we might hope to have new flooring later in the year.

St Joseph’s Health and Safety

There are three items which will be checked off before reopening St Josephs. There is a temporary measure in place on the gates as we await a part on order.

The Caring Group

The support group have adapted how they work during Lockdown and have been telephoning and writing cards when they have been unable to do face to face visits. All those on our care list have a number to phone in case of need. Our small group members have been exemplary in their care and have done shopping and welfare visits, with social distancing, members of the group liaise with NHS and social services. Currently there are 11 in the group supporting 17-20 people. They do support a few people who are not catholic and have received a letter from a family who were so grateful for care given to their Dad recently. The doctors at Dinnington GP practice are also most appreciative of the support they offer to patients of theirs. The Care Group work very quietly and thanks were expressed on behalf of the Parish.


It is mandatory for all those who have DBS in the Parish for working with children and vulnerable adults to do a free 3 hour online Safeguarding course in their own time. Eucharistic Ministers are asked to contact Chris Handley as her email was hacked and she has lost their contact details. You get a certificate on completion and you can do it in sections and do not have to do it all at once. There are also some refresher courses available. If you do this as part of your employment and have a certificate that will suffice.

Website and Zoom

The Church is not geared up for Live Streaming as we do not have Wifi. We can record Masses for subsequent transmission, but not live stream, and they could go onto You Tube. Emma is doing great work on the website and it would be great if it was possible to launch it for Christmas so that we have another avenue of communication. Discussion took place about exploring the importance of trying to get Wifi installed into Church as and when this can be afforded and facilitated. There was a hope that we could take a signal off Father Andy’s internet in the Presbytery. It was suggested that Chris Bonnet is the person to speak to re internet and router. It was felt that being able to offer online transmission would be great while we have restricted numbers for funerals and assist those unable to attend or travel.


Thanks were extended to Tony and Marie for all their hard work on this quality publication.

Final Prayer

Father Andy closed the meeting with the Glory Be prayer.

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