St Joseph’s, Dinnington Parish Priest: Fr. Andy Tel: 01909 562664
Weekend Masses:
Sunday 9.30am at St Joseph’s; Saturday 6pm at Blessed William Richardson, Kiveton
Email: Website:
In the event of an emergency where you may specifically require the services of a priest please contact either
Monica Carroll (07813 920844) or Anne Marie Carroll (07841 038633)
Week beginning Sunday 3rd March 2024
The Third Sunday of Lent. (Year B)
SATURDAY 2nd March
6pm Mass at Blessed William Richardson Church, Kiveton. (For Sunday)
(For Andy Langan)
Readings for the day:
Micah 7:14-15,18-20; Psalm 102(103):1-4,9-12; Luke 15:1-3,11-32
SUNDAY: 9.30am Mass in St Joseph’s
Exodus 20:1-17; Psalm 18(19):8-11; 1 Corinthians 1:22-25; John 2:13-25
MONDAY: No Mass today
6.30pm Session 4 of the First Holy Communion Preparation Group in the parish rooms
2 Kings 5:1-15; Psalm 41(42):2-3,42:3-4; Luke 4:24-30
(Saint Casimir)
11.30am Hour of Quiet Prayer at Blessed William Richardson Church, Kiveton
7pm Mass in the parish rooms
7.30pm Parish Care Support Group meeting in the parish rooms
Daniel 3:25,34-43; Psalm 24(25):4-6,7a-9; Matthew 18:21-35
WEDNESDAY: No Mass today
1-3pm Coffee afternoon in the parish rooms
7pm Reflection meeting
Deuteronomy 4:1,5-9; Psalm 147:12-13,15-16,19-20; Matthew 5:17-19
THURSDAY: 8.30am Mass in the parish rooms
2pm Rosary for Peace in the parish rooms
Jeremiah 7:23-28; Psalm 94(95):1-2,6-9; Luke 11:14-23
(Saints Perpetua and Felicity)
FRIDAY: No Mass today
Hosea 14:2-10; Psalm 80(81):6,8-11,14,17; Mark 12:28-34
(Saint John of God, Religious)
6pm Mass at Blessed William Richardson Church, Kiveton. (For Sunday)
Hosea 5:15-6:6; Psalm 50(51):3-4,18-21; Luke 18:9-14
(Saint Frances of Rome, Religious)
Next Sunday: The Fourth Sunday of Lent (Year B): Laetare Sunday
2 Chronicles 36:14-16,19-23; Psalm 136(137):1-6;
Ephesians 2:4-10; John 3:14-21
PARISH PRAYER FOR THE WEEK: We pray for all parts of the world suffering from conflict and violence: may the ways of reconciliation, justice and peace prevail.
Lord, in your mercy.…..
(Source: CAFOD Weekly prayers of intercession)
We pray that those who risk their lives for the Gospel in various parts of the world inflame the Church with their courage and missionary enthusiasm.
CAFOD FAMILY FAST DAY: The weekend collection for CAFOD was £384.73. Thank you.
HOLY ROSARY:. Praying for Peace in the world. Parish Rooms every Thursday from 2pm.
All welcome.
LENTEN COURSE: Meeting at 7pm for 7.30pm start, please see listed below the dates and venues for the Lenten 2024 group in Dinnington:
7th March - St Joseph's (led by St Leonard's)
14th March- The Bridge (led by The Bridge - New Life Church, 7 Silverdales)
21st March - St Leonard's (Led by Les Clark)
ECUMENICAL LENTEN GROUP: The Kiveton and area group meets at 7pm as follows: Thursday 7th March - Wales Methodist Church
Wednesday 13th March - Wales Church
Thursday 21st March - Thorpe Salvin Church.
All welcome.
Live Simply Reduce Waste - buy fewer clothes, buy second hand clothes or repair what you have
Live Sustainably with Creation Put out food, water for birds and hedgehogs, build a log pile for insects.
Live in Solidarity with the Poor Send a letter to the World Bank asking them to do more to support small farmers. Follow the link -
WOULD YOU LIKE TO BE A YOUTH MINISTRY LEADER IN THE LAKE DISTRICT?Castlerigg Manor (Diocese of Lancaster Retreat Centre) are looking for a Programme Leader to join their youth ministry team. The work involves working on retreats in the heart of the Lake District, and occasionally working on outreach visits around the area. The post is residential and comes with a salary package in the range of £26-28k, made up of paid salary, accommodation, food etc. Would suit somebody with youth ministry experience perhaps recently graduated. Interested –
The Freedom Programme: The Freedom Programme is for women who are experiencing or have previously experienced domestic abuse, it is an 11-week programme delivered in an environment that is safe, caring and relaxed. It is taking place at;
Carmel Care
172 Dykes Hall Road, S64GS
Starting Wednesday 3rd April at 12-1.30pm
The aim of the programme is to;
• Provide information that will help you
understand abuse.
• Help you to recognise the beliefs held
by abusive men.
• Assist you to meet other women with
similar life experiences.
• Help build your confidence and self-
• Help you recognise future abusers and
move on to abuse free lives.
• Provide the information in a
confidential and safe environment.
To discuss the programme in confidence call Jacqui on 07309 858 955, email or Janet at Caritas Hallam on 07927 657462 email
The Diocesan Communications group would like to broaden its membership so that it is more representative of people from all over the diocese. The group currently meets monthly for about 60 minutes. If you have any skills or experience in journalism, website development or social media content generation and are willing to share your knowledge and experience we would love to hear from you. Contact Arthi Fernando for more information or to express your interest in joining the group.
PLEASE REMEMBER OUR SICK: Maureen Appley; George Blow & his Grandma, Victoria Broughton, Christopher Browne, Eileen Butterfield, Jim Chandler, Sam Cleasby, Betty Delaney, Gillian Gee, Robert Hume, Sophie Hughes, Owen Jenkinson; Sheila Kobyluch; Ged Krotki, Kumba, Isabel Main-Reade, Haylen Markillie, Charlie Massarella, John Parker, Emma Pearson (Glen’s daughter), Annie Reynolds, Maria Senogles; Sandra Sherratt, Olive Stafford, Robert Stock, Pat Vickers, Teresa Williams, Michel and Teddy.