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17.10.2021 Newsletter

St Joseph’s, Dinnington Parish Priest: Fr. Andy Tel: 01909 562664

Weekend Masses: Sunday 9.30am in church; Saturday 6pm at Blessed William Richardson, Kiveton

Email: Website:

EMERGENCY CONTACT: In the event of an emergency where you may specifically require the services of a priest please continue to contact either Monica Carroll (07813 920844) or Anne Marie Carroll (07481 038633) Monica and Anne Marie can also be contacted if you need help from the Support group for shopping,


Week beginning Sunday 17th October 2021. (29th Sunday in Ordinary time Year B)

Saturday 16th October: 6pm Mass at Blessed William Richardson, Kiveton. (For Sunday)

Readings for the day:

Romans 4:13,16-18; Psalm 104(105):6-9,42-43; Luke 12:8-12

(Saint Hedwig, Religious)

Sunday 17th October 2021: 9.30am Mass in Church with live Zoom stream

Isaiah 53:10-11; Psalm 32(33):4-5,18-20,22; Hebrews 4:14-16; Mark 10:35-45

Monday: Saint Luke, The Evangelist

2 Timothy 4:10-17; Psalm 144(145):10-13a,17-18; Luke 10:1-9

Tuesday: Romans 5:12,15,17-21; Psalm 39(40):7-10,17; Luke 12:36-38

(Saints John de Brébeuf and Isaac Jogues, priests, and their Companions, Martyrs


Saint Paul of the Cross, Priest)

WEDNESDAY: Romans 6:12-18; Psalm 123(124); Luke 12:39-48

Thursday: 9am Mass via zoom

Romans 6:19-23; Psalm 1:1-4,6; Luke 12:49-53

Friday: Romans 7:18-25; Psalm 118(119):66,68,76-77,93-94; Luke 12:54-59

(Saint John Paul II, Pope)

Saturday: 6pm: Mass at Blessed William Richardson, Kiveton. (For Sunday)

Readings for the day: Romans 8:1-11; Psalm 23(24):1-6; Luke 13:1-9

(Saint John of Capistrano, Priest)

Next Sunday: 30th Sunday in Ordinary time

9.30am Mass in Church with live stream Zoom.

Readings: Jeremiah 31:7-9; Psalm 125(126); Hebrews 5:1-6; Mark 10:46-52


“It has been suggested that while we are having zoom Masses that we might be able to join in with the Mass on line more fully. The idea is to have ready at Mass time some bread and wine in your own home and when it is time for Holy Communion, we can all share in the Eucharistic celebration in a much richer way. So when I, as the priest, consecrate the bread and wine, those on zoom having the bread and wine in their presence are able to all eat and drink and share the same Eucharistic meal together. Hopefully this will help us to feel that we are still a faith community and close to the Lord and close to one another.”

For those unable to partake as above and who wish to receive Spiritual Communion the Catholic Bishops Conference offers the following prayer for recitation:

Oh my Jesus, I believe that you are present in this Holy Sacrament of the altar.

I love you above all things, and I passionately desire to receive You into my soul.

Since I cannot at this moment receive You sacramentally come spiritually into my soul.

so that I may unite myself wholly to you now and forever. Amen

Please see below Sunday’s Zoom Mass codes:

Sunday 17th October at 9.30am: Meeting ID: 886 4383 9203 Passcode: 831476

Thursday 21st October at 9am: Meeting ID: 878 2886 3532 Passcode: 937488


PRAYER FOR THE YEAR OF ST JOSEPH: Hail, Guardian of the Redeemer, Spouse of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

To you God entrusted his only Son; in you Mary placed her trust;

with you Christ became man.

Blessed Joseph, to us too, show yourself a father and guide us in the path of life.

Obtain for us grace, mercy, and courage, and defend us from every evil.



We pray that every baptized person may be engaged in evangelization, available to the mission, by being witnesses of a life that has the flavor of the Gospel.

RED MISSIO BOXES: Please bring your Red Missio boxes into either church for emptying over the next couple of weeks.

LIVE SIMPLY CAMPAIGN 2021 2022: Appreciate Nature

1. Parish Walk in Anston Stones meet after mass on Sunday 17th at St. Joseph's

2. Visit to Sheffield Botanic Garden Tues 26th Oct for a Guided Tour of the Autumn Leaves. Meet at St. Joseph's 11.30am to share lifts.

Plant a Hedge The Conservation Volunteers need help to replant a hedge on the Pit Tip on a date to be arranged in November. Hedges lock up carbon, attract insects, give shelter, provide a corridor for wildlife to move between areas and provide homes for nesting birds. Tools will be provided. Please contact Chris Parrott if you are willing to help 07817542303

Join the Global Action Day of Action for Climate Justice On 6 November 2021, as world leaders meet in Glasgow for the COP26 Global Climate Summit, towns and cities across the world will take to the streets demanding global climate justice. Sheffield, meet at 12pm at Devonshire Green, march to City Hall at 1pm, and for a rally at City Hall at 3pm. For more information see Please contact Chris Parrott 07817542303 if you are interested in going.

SYNOD ON SYNODALITY: An Invitation: Pope Francis has asked all the members of the Church throughout the whole world to get involved in the next Synod. The word synod simply means “walking together” In the diocese of Hallam we plan to begin our journeying in prayer. Bishop Ralph would like to invite you to join people from all over the diocese in a Liturgy at St Marie’s Cathedral at 4:30 pm on 17 October 2021. Further information from The liturgy for the opening of the diocesan phase of the Synod on Synodality will be live-streamed via the Cathedral’s YouTube channel:

SCHOOL WOODLAND CLEARING: School are having a second day of woodland clearing of the conservation area next week - Thursday 21st from 10am for anyone who is able to come along and help.TCV and the community woodland volunteers from Dinnington are returning to continue the work started last week. Everybody welcome☺️ Refreshments and tools will be provided.

PLEASE REMEMBER OUR SICK ESPECIALLY IN THESE DIFFICULT TIMES: George Blow & his Grandma, Mary Brady, Christopher Browne, Eileen Butterfield, Jim Chandler, Peggy Cummins, Gillian Gee, Brendan Handley, Robert Hume, Sophie Hughes, Des Jenkinson, Ged Krotki, Kumba, Pat Luton, Isabel Main-Reade, Haylen Markillie, Charlie Massarella, Franz Muller, Izabella O’Rourke, John Parker, Tom Rutherford, Sandra Sherratt, Olive Stafford, Robert Stock, Pat Vickers, Stuart Warrior, Claire Watt, Teresa Williams and Michel


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