St. Joseph’s Dinnington. Parish Priest: Fr Andy. Tel: 01909 562664
Weekend Masses:
9.30am Sunday at St. Joseph’s
6pm Saturday at Blessed William Richardson, Kiveton (for Sunday)
Email: Website:
In the event of an emergency where you may specifically require the services of a priest please contact either:
Monica Carroll (07813 920844) or Anne Marie Carroll (0784 038663)
Week beginning Sunday 28th July 2024
17th Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year B: Green)
SATURDAY 27th July:
6pm Mass at Blessed William Richardson Church, Kiveton. (ForSunday)
(For Anne Liston)
Readings for the day:
Jeremiah 7:1-11; Psalm 83(84):3-6,8,11; Matthew 13:24-30
9.30am Mass at St.Joseph’s
Readings for Mass:
2 Kings 4:42-44; Psalm 144(145):10-11,15-18; Ephesians 4:1-6; John 6:1-15
No Mass today
Jeremiah 13:1-11; Deuteronomy 32:18-21; John 11:19-27
TUESDAY: 11.30am Hour of prayer at Kiveton this morning.
7pm Mass in the parish rooms
7.30pm Parish Care Support Group meeting in the parish rooms.
Jeremiah 14:17-22; Psalm 78(79):8-9,11,13; Matthew 13:36-43
(Saint Peter Chrysologus, Bishop, Doctor)
No Mass today
Jeremiah 15:10,16-21; Psalm 58(59):2-5,10-11,17-18; Matthew 13:44-46
(Saint Ignatius Loyola, Priest)●
No early Mass today.
2pm The Rosary for Peace in the parish rooms
Jeremiah 18:1-6; Psalm 145(146):2-6; Matthew 13:47-53
(Saint Alphonsus Mary de' Liguori, Bishop, Doctor) ●
No Mass today
Jeremiah 26:1-9; Psalm 68(69):5,8-10,14; Matthew 13:54-58
(Saint Eusebius of Vercelli, Bishop or Saint Peter Julian Eymard, Priest) ●
SATURDAY: 6pm Mass at Blessed William Richardson Church, Kiveton (For Sunday)
Readings for the day:
Jeremiah 26:11-16,24; Psalm 68(69):15-16,30-31,33-34; Matthew 14:1-12
Next Sunday: 18th Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year B: Green)
9.30am Mass at St Joseph’s. Celebrant Fr. Don Stoker.
Exodus 16:2-4,12-15; Psalm 77(78):3-4,23-25,54; Ephesians 4:17,20-24; John 6:24-35
PARISH PRAYER FOR THE WEEK: We pray for our community. May we be grateful for all that we have, willing to share with others and ready to challenge injustice so all people may share in the gifts of the earth. Lord in your mercy...…
(CAFOD weekly prayers of intercession)
THE POPE’S INTENTION FOR JULY: For the pastoral care of the sickWe pray that the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick confer to those who receive it and their loved ones the power of the Lord and become ever more a visible sign of compassion and hope for all.
CELEBRATION OF THE SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE: Have you just got married during 2024 or are you celebrating a significant wedding anniversary- one, 10, 25, 50 60 or more? If so, Bishop Ralph cordially invites you to join him at a diocesan celebration Mass in thanksgiving for the sacrament of Marriage on 28th September 2024 at St Peter’s, Chequer Road, Doncaster DN1 2AA at 12:00 followed by refreshments. Further Details from including booking form.
TOWARDS JUBILEE 2O25: Do you consider yourself to have a disability? Do you care for someone with a disability? Please complete this short Survey about Inclusion and Welcome in the Diocese of Hallam
PLEASE PRAY FOR OUR SICK: George Blow and his grandma; Victoria Broughton; Christopher Browne; Eileen Butterfield; Jim Chandler; Sam Cleasby; Betty Delaney; Pat Duffin; Gillian Gee; Robert Hume; Sophie Hughes; Owen Jenkinson; Sheila Kobyluch; Jed Krotki; Kumba; Isabel Main-Reade; Haylen Markillie; Charlie Massarella; John Parker; Emma Pearson (Glen’s daughter); Annie Reynolds; Maria Senogles; Sandra Sherratt; Olive Stafford; Margaret Tyler; Pat Vickers; and Teresa Williams.