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Live Simply April - Live in Solidarity with the Poor

Live Simply April

Live in Solidarity with the Poor

Stand in solidarity with small-scale farmers

CAFOD Fix the Food System Campaign

At the heart of the global food crisis is a struggle for control over the world’s seeds. For generations, small-scale farmers have saved seed from one season to plant in the next season. They have freely swapped and shared a wide variety of seeds to produce food and maintain biodiversity. More recently, farmers have also developed seeds that ensure crops are resilient to climate change.

However, their right to choose what seeds they use is increasingly under threat. New laws are being introduced across the world that limit what small farmers can do with their seeds. These laws are being brought in with the support of global financial institutions such as the World Bank.

Instead of being able to choose their own seeds, small farmers must purchase commercial seeds – something that is good for big business profits but not so good for the farmers who grow the majority of the world’s food.

Is there an alternative?

Yes! Seed sovereignty is the right for farmers to save, use, exchange and sell their own seeds. It is about farmers having the power to choose the seeds they plant, rather than that power belonging to corporations or international institutions.

Take Action

If we want a sustainable food system, then we must stand with small farmers across the world as they fight for control over their seeds.

Join CAFOD in demanding the World Bank end all policies that restrict farmers’ freedoms to choose which seeds they use to grow food.

To sign the petition, follow the link:-

Good News Thanks to CAFOD supporters filling up the World Bank’s inbox, CAFOD finally got a reply from them asking to find out more about the Fix the Food System campaign. It’s wonderful to have their attention! But now we need them to commit to change. To find out more follow the link -

Pray for Farmers

God of all Creation,

we give you thanks for those who cultivate the earth,

for those who wake before dawn and labour in the fields,

for those who care for livestock,

for those who plant and tend with care.

We pray that they will have communities of support,

fair economic practices,

strength and perseverance

We pray that farmers know that they are appreciated beyond measure.

Live Sustainably with Creation

NEWS - A New Community Woodland Is Being Created In Dinnington

A new community woodland is being created off Athorpe Road in Dinnington, (opposite Tescos), The woodland will be named the Queen Elizabeth II Community Woodland, as a tribute to Her Late Majesty and her Platinum Jubilee Queen’s Green Canopy initiative. The new woodland will be a space for the community to enjoy. The design reflects this with walkways and space provided for sledging days over the winter months. Biodegradable tree guards are being used to protect the newly planted trees to ensure that there is no plastic waste on the site.

Work was started with a community planting day in February. More planting days with schools and community groups will take place, so look out for opportunities to get involved.

Looking Forward -The Council has made a commitment to achieve net zero by 2030 and is investing in staff, resources and schemes to contribute towards achieving this target. As part of the Council’s pledge to tackle climate change, a target has been set to plant 10,500 trees in Rotherham every year for the next 10 years. Last year, the Council exceeded the target and planted 22,139 trees in the borough.

Live Simply

Make compost from garden waste.

Take part in the magic of nature - compost your kitchen and garden waste and transform it into a valuable food and soil improver for your garden!!

Compost is easy and cheap to make and there are lots of good reasons for making compost, it saves money, saves resources and it reduces our impact on the environment. Almost half of the food waste and nearly all of the garden waste in the average rubbish bin could have been composted.

Compost feeds and improves the soil and your plants and flowers will love it!

Compost is a nutrient-rich food for the garden. It improves the soil by holding moisture which reduces the need for watering and it improves drainage preventing it from becoming waterlogged. It has everything that plants need including nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium and it helps rebalance soils that are very acidic or alkaline.

How to use it

Spread it on borders and vegetable patches or use it to fill the bottom half of patio containers or mix it in with the potting compost to help to fertilise the soil and reduce the need for watering.

Good to know

Composting at home for just one year can save global warming gases equivalent to all the CO2 your kettle produces annually; or that your washing machine produces in three months.

How to start composting

1. Find a suitable bin – you can buy a compost bin, you can make one, or you can even use an old thick plastic bag such as the ones potting compost comes in – NB. make some holes in the bottom!

2. Find the right site - ideally site your bin in a semi shaded place on bare soil. Choose somewhere you can easily add ingredients to the bin and get the compost out.

3. Ingredients - everything from vegetable and fruit peelings to teabags along with grass clippings and garden prunings can go in your compost bin. NB. Never compost cooked food, meat or fish and Don’t compost kitchen waste in an open bin or you’ll attract rats!

4. Place these items into your compost bin. A mixture of 3 parts green and 1 part brown materials (by volume) is the perfect recipe for good compost. Greens grass clippings, fresh leaves and prunings, fruit and vegetable scraps. Browns are dry leaves, twigs, shredded paper, and straw. (Straw is available at the Farm Shop on Todwick Rd. Anston. £3.50 per bale)

Don’t worry if the mix isn’t perfect it will compost, but it will take a bit longer.

5. Wait a while - it takes between nine to twelve months for your compost to become ready for use. Keep on adding greens and browns to top up your compost.

6. Once your compost has turned into a crumbly, dark material, resembling thick, moist soil and gives off an earthy, fresh aroma, you know it's ready to use.

7. Remove the compost and get spreading - don't worry if your compost looks a little lumpy with twigs, this is perfectly normal.

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