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Live Simply March - Reduce, Reuse, Recycle Paper and use Recycled Paper Products

Live Simply March

Live Simply

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle Paper and use Recycled Paper Products

Recycle Paper

Why recycle paper?

Although some of the benefits of paper recycling are clear, not everyone is clear on just how important an issue this is. Paper is one of the easiest materials to recycle; the good news is that in the UK, we recycle around 80% of the paper that we use. However worldwide, more than 4 billion trees are cut down each year just to make paper, so there’s still plenty of room for improvement.

Benefits of Paper Recycling

Paper fibres can be recycled 4-5 times. Every 1 ton of paper that is recycled can save 1 ton of carbon emissions, 17 trees, 7,000 gallons of water, 380 gallons of oil, 3 cubic metres of landfill space and 4,000 kilowatts of energy – enough to power the average home for six months.

Why use Recycled paper products?

Toilet paper, tissues, serviettes and kitchen roll

Toilet paper, tissues, serviettes and kitchen roll are the ultimate single use products. Almost

7 million trees are cut down every year just to make toilet paper for the UK, so we are flushing one of our most precious resources down the toilet!

Although recycled toilet paper is just as strong and hygienic as traditional toilet paper, it is not quite as soft but the slight reduction in comfort is well worth the benefits to the planet.

Printer Paper

Recycled printer paper is good quality; it’s a bit more expensive, which is a good incentive to use less. It is available in bright white and off white (off white can be a dyslexia friendly option). Xerox 100% recycled printer paper is off white and is available in Sainsburys and online, Office Depot 100% recycled bright white printer paper is available online.

Reduce the Waste of Paper

Global consumption of paper has quadrupled in the last 50 years and much of it is wasted, e.g. the average office worker uses 10,000 sheets of paper each year and nearly 7,000 of them are wasted!

Use less paper and save waste:-

· Print double sided

· Print less copies, only print what you need.

· Proof read carefully before you print.

· Use the blank sides of unneeded single-sided copies for printing drafts.

· Reduce junk mail eg. circulars and brochures

o Opt out of personally addressed unsolicited mail here:-


The Reflection Group have decided that the parish will:-

· Switch to recycled toilet paper, printer paper and other paper products.

· Reduce the wastage of paper wherever possible.

· Use refillable ink cartridges for printing to reduce plastic waste

Live Sustainably with Creation

Recycling Packaging

The recycling symbols that appear on lots of everyday items packaging have improved recently. They give more information to help to identify how different types of packaging can be recycled.

Recycle This label is applied to packaging collected by 75% or more of UK local authorities and then sorted, processed and recycled into new packaging or products.

Don't recycle This label is applied to packaging collected by less than 50% of UK local authorities and/or is not able to be sorted, processed and recycled into new packaging or products. Recycle | Rinse Rinsing recyclable packaging, like yoghurt pots and soup tins, ensures that any food or product residue doesn’t contaminate other materials, particularly if they are collected together with paper.

Recycle with bags at large supermarkets | Don't recycle at home You can see this label on plastic wrapping such as bread bags, fruit and veg bags, crisp packets and chocolate wrappers. You can recycle this type of packaging at recycling points in selected supermarkets.

Recycle | Bottle Cap on | Don't Recycle | Remove Sleeve Some packaging components need separating before you dispose of them. You may see a label like this on packaging where a sleeve, film or liner can be easily removed from the main packaging item. In this case, the sleeve is removed from a bottle by pulling a perforated strip, the bottle can be recycled but the sleeve goes in the rubbish.

Live in Solidarity with the Poor

Pray for people affected by the earthquake in Turkey and Syria, for people affected by the war in Ukraine and for people affected by climate change all over the world.

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