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St Joseph’s, Dinnington Parish Priest: Fr. Andy Tel: 01909 562664

Weekend Masses: Sunday 9.30am in church; Saturday 6pm at Blessed William Richardson, Kiveton

Email: Website:

EMERGENCY CONTACT: In the event of an emergency where you may specifically require the services of a priest please contact either Monica Carroll (07813 920844) or Anne Marie Carroll (07481 038633)

Week beginning Sunday 2nd October 2022

27th Sunday in Ordinary Time.

SATURDAY 1st October 2022

6pm Mass at Blessed William Richardson, Kiveton (for Sunday)

Readings for the day: Job 42:1-3,5-6,12-17; Psalm 118(119):66,71,75,91,125,130;

Luke 10:17-24

(Saint Thérèse of the Child Jesus, Virgin, Doctor) ●

SUNDAY 2nd October 9.30am Mass in St. Joseph’s


Habakkuk 1:2-3,2:2-4; Psalm 94(95):1-2,6-9; 2 Timothy 1:6-8,13-14; Luke 17:5-10

MONDAY: Galatians 1:6-12; Psalm 110(111):1-2,7-10; Luke 10:25-37

TUESDAY: 11.30am-12.30 Hour of quiet prayer at Blessed William Richardson, Kiveton.

7pm Mass in the Parish Rooms

Galatians 1:13-24; Psalm 138(139):1-3,13-15; Luke 10:38-42

(Saint Francis of Assisi)

WEDNESDAY: Galatians 2:1-2,7-14; Psalm 116(117); Luke 11:1-4

(Saint Faustina Kowalska, Religious)

THURSDAY: 8.30am Mass in the Parish Rooms

Galatians 3:1-5; Luke 1:69-75; Luke 11:5-13

(Saint Bruno, Priest)


Galatians 3:7-14; Psalm 110(111):1-6; Luke 11:15-26

SATURDAY: 6pm Mass at Blessed William Richardson, Kiveton

Galatians 3:22-29; Psalm 104(105):2-7; Luke 11:27-28

Next Sunday: 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time 9.30am Mass in church


Luke 11:27-28; Psalm 97(98):1-4; 2 Timothy 2:8-13; Luke 17:11-19

PARISH PRAYER FOR THE WEEK: We pray for the people of East Africa, and all those who do not have enough to eat. May God grant us the gift of compassion, that we might be moved to share our bread with the hungry and work with all our strength to end food poverty. Lord in your mercy... (Source: CAFOD Weekly prayers of intercession)


CONGRATULATIONS: Laszlo and Erzsébet Safrany celebrate their 65th wedding anniversary on 5th October. We wish them and their family the very best of wishes and a very happy celebration of such a wonderful achievement.

PARISH CARE SUPPORT GROUP: Please note that Tuesday’s meeting is cancelled for this month.

CAFOD FAMILY FAST DAY – World Food Crisis Appeal. Friday 7th October. Millions of families are facing a food crisis that could be the worst in living memory. As each day goes by, the situation worsens. As people of faith we must act. Your donations can help CAFOD’s local experts to provide emergency food supplies to families in the worst affected countries in East Africa and support communities around the world working hard to put food on the table. Please give today or start a monthly gift to CAFOD. Use the envelope for our parish collection or go to

COFFEE MORNING: We would like to say a big thank you to everyone for supporting The World’s Biggest Coffee Morning for MacMillan Cance Support. A grand total of £296 was raised and that was a magnificent effort.

FLAME 2023 - 14-23? Join us on Saturday 4th March 2023 at Wembley Arena for the largest Catholic gathering of young people in England and Wales. Passes cost just £30 including entrance and travel (a subsidised cost from £62). for more information email:

THE POPE’S INTENTIONS FOR OCTOBER: A Church Open to Everyone We pray for the Church; ever faithful to, and courageous in preaching the Gospel, may the Church be a community of solidarity, fraternity and welcome, always living in an atmosphere of synodality.

ST BERNADETTE RELIC TOUR - 4th/5th October 2022. Please see the programme for the visit of the relics to the Diocese of Hallam. Each year our diocese goes on pilgrimage to Lourdes. Next month, Lourdes is coming to our diocese. All are very welcome. Registration is useful but is not required and you can attend any of the liturgies at the Cathedral and St-Peter-in-Chains, Doncaster. For more information on this national event please visit<> and<> . This short video trailer gives more information too

Unfortunately there were insufficient numbers to make the hiring of a mini bus to visit the Relics viable.


Live Simply - Save fuel and money by following the eco-driving tips in the October Live Simply leaflet .

Live in Solidarity with the Poor - Donate to CAFOD on Family Fast Day, read about the Food Crisis at home and in the wider world and campaign to Fix the Food System

Live Sustainably with Creation - Plant spring flowering bulbs to help bees and pollinating insects in spring.

See the leaflet in church and on the website for more information.


Across the diocese, one of synod conversations was asking for opportunities to learn more about Scripture. In response, you are now being invited to a performance of the whole gospel of Mark in one evening. We are used to hearing stories and extracts from the Gospels at Mass; as you probably know, since the reforms of Vatican ll, the lectionary is organised into three-year cycles of readings, A, B, or C, beginning on the first Sunday of Advent.

● Year A: Gospel of Matthew

● Year B: Gospel of Mark

Year C: Gospel of Luke, which we are in now.

(The Gospel of John is read throughout Easter, and other liturgical seasons)

The performance of “I, Mark”, at St Marie’s Cathedral on 8 October at 7pm, gives you the opportunity to gather to listen to nearly the whole Gospel, all in one evening. What will it be like to be open to hearing this, the oldest Gospel, in this setting, in this way? It will be a different way of experiencing the Word of God, and there will be opportunity afterwards to ask questions, and share your response to the experience. All are welcome. There is no charge but there will be opportunity to contribute towards the cost of the event.

For further information or to book your ticket go to

For further enquiries contact

DIOCESAN DAY OF REFLECTION : The Diocesan Spirituality Group would like to invite everyone to a Diocesan Day of Reflection.

Date: November 27th 2022, The First Sunday in Advent.

Venue: Hallam Pastoral Centre. St Charles St. Sheffield S9 3WU.

Time: 10am until 5pm.

Concluding with the Celebration of Mass.

There is no need to book, just turn up with your picnic lunch, tea and coffee can be provided.

PLEASE REMEMBER OUR SICK ESPECIALLY IN THESE DIFFICULT TIMES: George Blow & his Grandma, Mary Brady, Christopher Browne, Eileen Butterfield, Jim Chandler, Peggy Cummins, Gillian Gee, Robert Hume, Sophie Hughes, Des Jenkinson, Owen Jenkinson; Sheila Kobyluch; Ged Krotki, Kumba, Isabel Main-Reade, Haylen Markillie, Charlie Massarella, Izabella O’Rourke, John Parker, Emma Pearson (Glen’s daughter), Irene Raszyk, Sandra Sherratt, Olive Stafford, Robert Stock, Pat Vickers, Claire Watt, Teresa Williams and Michel




Job Title: Administrative Assistant to the Co- Directors of Caritas Hallam

Hours: Up to forty hours per month with additional hours as required

Location: Hallam Pastoral Centre, Sheffield S9 3WU / Working from home

Holidays: 25 days (pro rata) plus statutory days

Closing date for applications: Friday 14th October 2022.

Please email: for a Job Description and application form


Are you passionate about children’s learning?

EXCITING OPPORTUNITY TO JOIN OUR WONDERFUL SCHOOL Level 2 Teaching Assistant Required October 2022 or ASAP [Temporary to August 2023 in the first instance]

Band D Scale Point 6 30 hours per week

The Governors of this friendly and welcoming school are looking to appoint a Teaching Assistant to join our talented, hardworking and supportive team.

We will offer you:

  • An exciting opportunity to work in a school with a strong Catholic ethos.

  • Wonderful children who enjoy learning at our school.

  • Talented, supportive and innovative staff.

  • High quality opportunities to develop professionally through our high impact CPD programme.

  • Career progression through an individual development programme.

  • The Governors are looking for an ambitious teaching assistant who will:

  • Fully support the Catholic ethos of the school.

  • Put the children’s needs before their own.

  • Be highly motivated and self-driven.

  • Fully engage with professional development opportunities.

  • Be first aid trained (or willing to go to the relevant training)

  • Be prepared to give whatever it takes to ensure that all children achieve.

Closing date: 4pm Friday 7th October 2022 Interview date: w/c 17th October 2022

Visits to the school are encouraged and warmly welcomed. Please contact, Laura Atkinson, Head of School or

Victoria McCurrach, Finance Officer on 01909 550123 if you have any questions or wish to arrange a visit. The school is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare and safety of children and young people and expects all staff to share this commitment.

Please note candidates MUST complete a Catholic Education Service (CES) support staff application form

Or a paper copy which is available on request from the school office.

Completed forms should be returned to the school office or via

Successful applicants will be required to undertake a DBS Enhanced Disclosure.

St. Joseph’s Primary School Dinnington - A Catholic Voluntary Academy is an exempt charity and a company limited by


Teacher of RE (Maternity Cover)

Full Time ● Salary: MPS/UPS

Start date: January 2023

St Bernard’s Catholic High School is an outstanding, popular and over-subscribed 11-16 academy in Rotherham. We are a Catholic Voluntary Academy with a wide catchment area, welcoming students of all faiths and denominations.

We are seeking to appoint a Teacher of RE. As a creative and motivated teacher, you will have a commitment to academic excellence through progressive teaching and learning styles. This post is also suitable for ECTs.

We are looking for a teacher who:

• Has the highest expectations of teaching and learning

• Is passionate about RE

• Is creative and can inspire in the classroom

• Has the desire and ability to help children of all abilities and backgrounds reach the highest levels of attainment and progress

• Is supportive of the school’s Catholic ethos (however you do not need to be a practicing Catholic)

We will offer you:

• A wonderful, vibrant staff family

• A supportive and hard working department and leadership team

• An ongoing CPD programme, tailored to individual requirements

• A calm, well-disciplined learning environment

• An opportunity to contribute to School Direct

For an application pack please visit or contact Vivienne Smith, Clerk to Governors on 01709 828 183. Completed application forms should be returned to Mrs V Smith, St Bernard’s Catholic High School, Herringthorpe Valley Road, Rotherham, S65 3BE or email Please note that only completed Catholic Education Service application forms will be accepted.

The closing date for receipt of completed application forms is: Monday 10th October 2022 at 9.00am.

Interviews will be held on: w/c 10th October 2022

NB if successful for interview, references will be required prior to the interview date.

St Bernard’s Catholic High School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment. The successful candidate will be required to complete a DBS form in line with Section 115 of the Police Act 1997.

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St. Joseph’s Dinnington.   Parish Priest:  Fr Andy.   Tel: 01909 562664 Weekend Masses: 9.30am Sunday at St. Joseph’s;    6pm Saturday at...


St Josephs Church, Dinnington


Blessed William Richardson, Kiveton Park

St Josephs Roman Catholic Church, Swinston Hill, Dinnington, Sheffield, South Yorkshire, S25 2RX

Blessed William Richardson Catholic Church, 56 Station Road, Kiveton Park, Sheffield, South Yorkshire, S26 6QQ

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