Reflection Meeting 2 October 2024
Present: Fr Andy, Shauna Hilton, Tony & Marie Lear, Anne Neale, Mary Gilgrass, Chris Parrott, John Cape, Alison Bergomi, Anne-Marie Carroll
Apologies: Anne-Marie Brammer, Monica Carroll, Maria Paton, Mark Massarella
AMC led an audit of all ministries offered at St Joseph’s with the view of the group becoming more aware of what is already at work in our church. It was felt that a centralised file outlining all these ministries and their leaders (with contact details) and members should be available to all who might need such information. Once the file is completed, the group will then decide how to share with the parish and ask/invite parishioners to offer their own unique gifts and talents should they wish to do so.
The aim overall is to widen our ministries and encourage/include new members.
The list includes, but is not considered exclusive: Eucharistic ministers, Service of the Word group, Baptism, First Holy Communion, Confirmation, Readers/Prayers, Bereavement Group, St Joseph’s Support Group, Music, Christmas/Lent organising, Children’s liturgy, Reflection Group, Welcoming, Offertory/Collections, Coffee afternoons, Live Simply, Marriage preparation. Ecumenical links was something we wish to create going forward.
Cleaners, Flowers, Tea & Coffee, Health & Safety and Maintenance, Finance, Gardens, Social events.
AMC will contact the present leaders of these groups and ask them to prepare a simple paragraph or two outlining their ministry along with leaders’ contact details and names of members. A draft file will be created for the Reflection Group to view and discuss.
Minutes from August meeting – passed.
Finance – MM at August 2024. September available soon.
Total Income - £23,322.00
Total Expenses £24,675.00
Deficit - £1,353.00
• Offertories £17,304, slightly better than last year. Overall income down due to large donations last year.
• No donations registered so far.
• Incurred £8,700 expenses for utilities, similar to last year. Still no clear understanding of any outstanding invoices.
• No major expenditure at present. Balance remains healthy.
Current Acc: £13,025.00 credit
Action Fund: £1,564.73 credit
• Update of savings for next meeting.
• We have credit machine for collection of future donations. Awaiting marketing signs and internet connection to hopefully go live this month.
• Health and Safety portal up to date as far is possible.
Purchase of new Lectionaries: Cost £1300. Appeal has been put for a grant application.
Advent Plans
Saturday October 12thService of Word BWR 6.00pm
Margaret Edge Harvest Celebration Song
SundayOctober 13thFr Geoff Bottoms 9.30am St. Joseph’s
Margaret Edge Harvest Celebration Song
SaturdayNovember 9thService of Word BWR 6.00pm
Sunday November 10thBishop Ralph 9.30am St. Josephs
TuesdayNovember 12thService of Light 7.00pm St. Josephs
Saturday November 23rdMass BWR 6.00pm Andy
SundayNovember 24th Christ the King9.30am Andy
SaturdayNovember 30thMass BWR 6.00pm Andy
Sunday December 1st First Sunday of Advent 9.30am Andy
Wednesday December 11th Penitential Service 7pm
Carols by Candlelight?To be decided
Saturday December 14thMass BWR 6.00pm Andy
Monica Carroll ‘Preparation of the Mass’
SundayDecember 15thMass St. Josephs 9.30am Andy
Monica Carroll ‘Preparation of the Mass’
Saturday December 21stMass BWR 6.00pm Andy
Reading of the ‘Annunciation’ Reader
Sunday December 22ndMass St. Josephs 9.30am Andy
Reading of the ’Annunciation’ Chris Parrot
TuesdayDecember 24th Christmas Eve
First Mass of Christmas 6.00pm
Wednesday December 25th Christmas DayMass 9.30am
Saturday December 28th Mass BWR 6.00pm Andy
SundayDecember 29th Feast of Holy Family9.30am Andy
Tuesday December 31st New Years Eve – Vigil Mass 7pm
SH to inform Maria Oldroyd for the bulletin.
Harvest Celebration – Margaret Edge wishes to play a Harvest song at both Masses and will provide song sheets on weekend of 12th/13th October. There will be an opportunity for parishioners to bring food on this harvest weekend for the Salvation Army food bank.
AMC raised an issue with signing petitions at the front of church at communion. The issue was not with signing per se, but more of a social and timing one. It was felt by one or two that it became a pressure issue and could lead to some feeling obliged to sign due to its positioning right at the front, and perhaps guilt if they did not. While AMC recognises that these emotions might not be at the forefront of a lot of people’s minds, the issue was brought to her and she wished to raise it.
Many thanks for those who turned out for the parish walk.
Covenant with the poor: CP suggested moving the date of this from Advent to Lent. All agreed.
Bishop Ralph is to say Mass on 10th November 2024.
Door to Parish Room is sticking/warped. Difficult to lock. Tony Carroll to look at it.
Request made for monthly zoom Mass for our elderly parishioners who cannot get to church. This is to be looked into.
Parish room to be used for by election on 7th November 2024
Coffee Afternoon 30th October 1-3pm
Next meeting – 6th November at 7pm.