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06.10.2021 Reflection Meeting

Minutes of Parish Reflection held on Wednesday 6th October 2021

Present: Fr Andy, S. H, A. N., H. M, M. H, C.H., C. P., M. P, A. B, M. G., M & T L.

Apologies: M. C, J. C., A. C, M., E..

Review of Minutes.

Reflection: Live Simply - This was launched at Mass last weekend (2nd/3rd October) and explained to the congregation. The ideas from the monthly roll out for October were shared. There are many issues to work on to increase awareness. Fr Andy will continue to draw attention to this in the weeks leading up to Cop26. There is a need to plug away at small everyday things that will make a difference. It was agreed that Fair Trade and litter picking should be added to the list of activities. Dinnington have some litter picking groups and it may be possible to link with one of them.

The session at school to tidy up the woodland/conservation area had been successful and Laura thanked those who had helped. Another date is being considered for a further session.

Food Bank: M. G. suggested that as the universal credit bonus has been cut we should restart contributions to the food bank. C. P will contact Joanne to find out what they need and the current collection date. It was suggested that it could be done as a Harvest Festival when donations are taken to church. This could happen in November.

The Salvation Army are open Thursday and Saturday 9-11am.

Street Friends was launched in Dinnington during the pandemic to help the homeless. J. H. is involved in providing hot meals every weekend for the homeless in Worksop and Rotherham. She is looking for volunteers to cook meals for this project. It was noted that J. G. is also helping with this.

Hymn singing & Rota: It was decided that hymn books would be collected by parishioners from the shelves on their way into church. At the end of the Mass they should be placed in a box at the back of the church in order to be cleaned. G. C. is willing to begin playing again and will contact M. C. to arrange dates.

H. M. has previously organised both the hymn and church cleaning rotas but is now stepping down from those roles. A number of those who were on the rota are not at present going to church. H.M. will email those previously on the rota to ask if they are willing to continue. We will aim to have a new rota for the beginning of the New Year.

Church cleaning: This is not happening at the moment and needs to be reinstated. H.M. offered to organise the cleaning for October; A. B. will cover November and A.H. will be asked if she will cover December. A notice will go into the newsletter asking for volunteers to start in January.

A. C. organised the rota for Covid cleaning will be asked if she will organise the new rota in January.

Parish Ministries: It was agreed that roles in the parish should be open to all and that younger members and families should be encouraged to take on some of the responsibilities necessary for the smooth running of the parish. In the past it was stated that all volunteers should have a backup or successor in place but this has not always taken place. This is something that we should aim for. It was suggested that a list of vacancies for roles that need filling could be included in the newsletter.

Zoom Masses: The Thursday zoom masses have been very much appreciated. As M.C. is at present prepared to continue it was agreed that the Thursday Mass would continue to be zoomed until the beginning of Advent (28 November). Although the ideal is for the parish community to meet together to celebrate the Eucharist, it was felt that more people attend the Mass on zoom than would attend a mass in the parish room. A. N. is happy to share hosting the zoom mass with M. C.

The Thursday zoom Mass will begin on October 21st.

The Sunday zoom Mass will be reviewed later.

The Tuesday evening Mass in the parish room will restart at the beginning of Advent.

In the New Year we will look at the possibility of offering the facility of zooming for other services i.e. weddings and funerals as well as Sunday Mass.

Christmas arrangements to be on the agenda at the next meeting.

Shoe Boxes: Last year donations were made on line. S. H. will contact D. S. to see how we can contribute this year.

Picture of St Joseph: This has now been completed and will be going up in church soon.

Safeguarding: The Commission has been disbanded but S. H. is on the newly formed committee.. New DBS forms are coming out this month and can be completed on line. A number of parishioners need theirs renewing. Eucharist ministers who do not take Communion to people’s homes do not require a dbs.

170 Club: Will start up again when we are back to normal. C. will ring K. M. to check that we are fulfilling the requirements to retain charity status.

Finance: M. M. had sent a quarterly summary which will be made available to the parish.

Check with E. to see if A. C. has been asked to join the finance committee. -E.S. will contact this week.

Blessed William Richardson are looking at putting in an extra 2 radiators. The recent boiler has sufficient capacity for this and T. C. will look into this. The heating is now working.

Fr Andy’s Kitchen: This is now finished and he is very happy with it. Waiting for the delivery of table and chairs.


M. and K. T. are moving out of the parish. For many years they have been involved in marriage preparation in the parish. It was noted that someone would be needed to take their place and was suggested that C. P. could speak at Mass a little about what the role entails. A farewell gift of flowers and wine will be given to them at Mass before they leave the parish.

H. M. offered her resignation from the Reflection Group and was thanked for the contribution she had made.

Synod Preparation. The parish has been asked to provide the names of 2 parishioners who are willing to join a working group before the 1st zoom meeting on 22nd October. The reflection group supported the suggestion that J. C. and A. C. be asked to be our parish representatives. Both have offered to attend the zoom as Parish representatives.

A service will be zoomed from St Marie’s at 4 30 pm on Sunday 17th October.

Date of Next Meeting: Wednesday 3rd November 7 00 pm in the Parish Room.

The meeting finished with a prayer.

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