St Joseph’s, Dinnington Parish Priest: Fr. Andy Tel: 01909 562664
Weekend Masses: Sunday 9.30am in church; Saturday 6pm at Blessed William Richardson, Kiveton
Email: Website:
EMERGENCY CONTACT: In the event of an emergency where you may specifically require the services of a priest please contact either Monica Carroll (07813 920844) or Anne Marie Carroll (07841 038633)
Week beginning Sunday 7th January 2024
SATURDAY 6th January
6pm Service of the Word with Communion
at Blessed William Richardson Church, Kiveton.
Readings for the day:
1 John 5:5-13; Psalm 147:12-15,19-20; Mark 1:6-11
9.30am Mass in St Joseph’s. Celebrant: Fr Geoff Bottoms.
Isaiah 60:1-6; Psalm 71(72):1-2,7-8,10-13
Ephesians 3:2-3,5-6; Matthew 2:1-12
No Mass today
Isaiah 55:1-11; Psalm: Isaiah 12; Mark 1:7-11
11.30am Hour of Quiet Prayer at Kiveton this week
No evening Mass today.
7pm Parish Care Support Group Meeting in the parish rooms
1 Samuel 1:9-20; Psalm: 1 Samuel 2:1,4-8; Mark 1:21-28
WEDNESDAY: No Mass today
1-3pm Coffee Afternoon
7pm Reflection Group Meeting in the parish rooms
1 Samuel 3:1-10,19-20; Psalm 39(40):2,5,7-10; Mark 1:29-39
THURSDAY: No early Mass today
1 Samuel 4:1-11; Psalm 43(44):10-11,14-15,24-25; Mark 1:40-45
FRIDAY: No Mass today
1 Samuel 8:4-7,10-22; Psalm 88(89):16-19; Mark 2:1-12
(Saint Aelred of Rievaulx, Abbot)●
SATURDAY: 6pm Service of the Word with Communion
at Blessed William Richardson Church, Kiveton.
Readings for the day:
1 Samuel 9:1-4,17-19,10:1; Psalm 20(21):2-7; Mark 2:13-17
(Saint Hilary, Bishop, Doctor)
Next Sunday: 2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time
9.30am Mass in St Joseph’s. Celebrant: Fr Geoff Bottoms.
PARISH PRAYER FOR THE WEEK: We pray for all who live surrounded by conflict, war and lasting injustice; that the barriers which keep us apart may be broken and we each become committed to work for peace. Lord, in your mercy… (Source: CAFOD Weekly prayers of intercession)
THE POPE’S INTENTION FOR JANUARY: For The Gift Of Diversity In The Church
Let us pray that the Holy Spirit helps us recognize the gift of different charisms within the Christian community, and to discover the richness of different ritual traditions in the heart of the Catholic Church.
We welcome Fr. Geoff Bottoms to celebrate our Mass this Sunday.
RIP JOHN CONROY: Many will have sadly learned of the death of John via the What’s App group and from notices at Mass. John died peacefully at home on the 15th December at the great age of 95 years. He is now reunited with his beloved wife Carol. John was a much loved member of our community. He attended Kiveton regularly and St. Joseph’s and is greatly missed. Our thoughts and prayers are with his daughters Jill, Barbara, Sheila, Kate, Joanne and Isabelle and their families. John’s funeral is on Thursday 18th January at 1.00pm at St Joseph’s Church followed by burial at South Anston cemetery.
Come and learn how to continue the synodal journey here in the diocese. A gathering for those who would like to embed the synodal way of working in their parish community over the next year.
Date and time: Saturday 20 January 2024 9:30-11:30 AM at the Hallam Pastoral Centre
Please book on the diocesan Eventbrite page.
The Diocese is inviting every parish to a “retreat at home” on becoming synodal. This retreat is designed to introduce the practice of synodality, and uses the Diocesan syntheses report as a basis for prayerful reflection.
A taster session at the Pastoral Centre will be held for those who are interested in running the retreat in their parish community.
Date and time: Saturday 3 February 2024 10:00-12:00 AM at the Hallam Pastoral Centre
Live Simply: Pray that the nations of the world will act on their commitments made at the COP28 conference
Live Sustainably with Creation: find out if your bank is ethical, if it isn't then consider changing to an ethical bank.
Live in Solidarity with the Poor: Send a letter to the Foreign Secretary calling for a ceasefire in the Holy Land - follow the link
DATES FOR YOUR DIARY: - You are cordially invited to attend:
Cake sale fundraiser first Sunday of the month (after Mass) - St Joseph’s Church.
Coffee Afternoon - Wednesday 10th January 1-3pm in the parish rooms
Reflection Group Meeting - Wednesday 10th January 7pm in the parish rooms
PLEASE REMEMBER OUR SICK: Maureen Appley; George Blow & his Grandma, Christopher Browne, Eileen Butterfield, Jim Chandler, Sam Cleasby, Betty Delaney, Gillian Gee, Robert Hume, Sophie Hughes, Owen Jenkinson; Sheila Kobyluch; Ged Krotki, Kumba, Isabel Main-Reade, Haylen Markillie, Charlie Massarella, John Parker, Emma Pearson (Glen’s daughter), Annie Reynolds, Maria Senogles; Sandra Sherratt, Olive Stafford, Robert Stock, Pat Vickers, Teresa Williams, Michel and Teddy.