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07.07.2024 Newsletter

St. Joseph’s Dinnington.   Parish Priest:  Fr Andy.   Tel: 01909 562664

Weekend Masses:

9.30am Sunday at St. Joseph’s;  

6pm Saturday at Blessed William Richardson, Kiveton (for Sunday)


In the event of an emergency where you may specifically require the services of a priest please contact either:

Monica Carroll (07813 920844) or Anne Marie Carroll (0784 038663)

Week beginning Sunday 7th July 2024

14th Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year B: Green)

SATURDAY 6th July:

6pm Mass at  Blessed William Richardson Church, Kiveton. (ForSunday)

 Readings for the day:

Amos 9:11-15;   Psalm 84(85): 9,11-14;   Matthew 9:14-17

(Saint Maria Goretti, Virgin, Martyr)

SUNDAY: 9.30am Mass at St.Joseph’s

Readings for Mass:

Ezekiel 2:2-5;   Psalm 122(123);   2 Corinthians 12:7-10;   Mark 6:1-6

MONDAY: No Mass today

Hosea 2:16,​17-18,​21-22;   Psalm 144(145):2-9;  Matthew 9:18-26



10am Leavers Mass at St. Joseph’s school. All welcome.

11.30am Hour of prayer at Kiveton this morning.

No evening Mass today

Hosea 8:4-7,​11-13;   Psalm 113B(115):3-10;   Matthew 9:32-37

(Saint Augustine Zhao Rong and his Companions, Martyrs)

WEDNESDAY:  No Mass today

1-3pm Afternoon Tea in the parish rooms.  All welcome.

Hosea 10:1-3,​7-8,​12;   Psalm 104(105):2-7;   Matthew 10:1-7


No early Mass today

2pm The Rosary for Peace in the parish rooms

Proverbs 2:1-9;   Psalm 33(34):2-11;   Matthew 19:27-29

FRIDAY:  No Mass today

Hosea 14:2-10;   Psalm 50(51):3-4,8-9,12-14,17;   Matthew 10:16-23

SATURDAY: 6pm Mass  at Blessed William Richardson Church, Kiveton (For Sunday)

Readings for the day:

Isaiah 6:1-8;   Psalm 92(93):1-2,5;   Matthew 10:24-33

(Saint Henry)

Next Sunday:  15th Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year B: Green)

9.30am Mass at St Joseph’s


Amos 7:12-15;   Psalm 84(85):9-14;   Ephesians 1:3-14;   Mark 6:7-13

PARISH PRAYER FOR THE WEEK:  We pray for for world leaders: may they recognise the dignity of all people and always seek the common good. Lord, in your mercy.….

(CAFOD weekly prayers of intercession)

THE POPE’S INTENTION FOR JULY:  For the pastoral care of the sickWe pray that the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick confer to those who receive it and their loved ones the power of the Lord and become ever more a visible sign of compassion and hope for all.


RIP DEACON CHRIS KIME: Chris from St Paul’s Cantley has sadly died after a long illness.  We  remember Chris and his family in our prayers.

RIP JAMIE ASHMORE:  Jamie has sadly died aged 26 years old. His  funeral takes place on 12th July,  details to follow.  We pray for the repose of his soul and  for all family and friends at this very difficult time. 

RETIRING COLLECTIONS:  Last weekend’s collections for "Peters Pence" raised £127.17, Thank You.

NEXT WEEK: There will be collections after Masses 13/14th July for Sea Sunday.

LIVE SIMPLY JULY:  Our Collection of Waste Electronic and Electrical Equipment has been a fantastic success! We collected 2 tonne bags of E-Waste, a wonderful achievement. It will make a difference to the lives of poor and vulnerable people, the environment and to our own lives. See the leaflet in church for more details.

GROWING IN HOLINESS THROUGH PRAISE, WORSHIP AND PRAYER: ADoRE spiritual mini-retreat 27th July 10.00-1.00 “HOLY, HOLY, HOLY: going deeper in Praise, Worship and Prayer.” Including Mass, Adoration, Praise, Prayer for the gifts of the Holy Spirit and inspiring guest speaker Ros Powell. Please register for the Zoom meeting in advance at More information at

ADORAMUS NATIONAL CONGRESS: The Bishops of England and Wales invite bishops, priests and people to gather at St Marys College Oscot Birmingham on the 14th Sept for a day of renewing and deepening of devotion towards the Eucharist. Each diocese is invited to send a coach of pilgrims and up to 1,500 people are expected. There are 6 places allocated to the Rotherham Deanery. If you  are interested in attending please let  Mgr Desmond Sexton know asap and no later than  the 28th June

FINDING GOD IN ALL THINGS”—Jesuit Mission Week at St Marie’s Cathedral: From Monday  8th to Friday 12th July, a team of Jesuits will be at St Marie’s Cathedral for a Mission Week. Each day will involve a rhythm of prayer, workshops, communal meals, and times of group sharing and reflection. Everyone will be welcome to participate at any point during the week. More detailed information is to be published nearer the time.  Please see the poster on the parish website for information about some of the activities.

WALSINGHAM PILGRIMAGE: 27th July. Led by Bishop Ralph.

Pick up points:

St Peter in Chains, Doncaster - 7.20am

St Helen’s, Oldcotes - 7.45am

St Joseph The Worker, Worksop - 8.05am

St. Joseph’s, Retford - 8.20am

Coach Fare:  £24 per adult, £12 per child

Pre-booked Optional meal available (choice of 3mains and 3 desserts) £16 per adult, £8 children aged 4-16 (under 4s free) -1pm at Elmwood House. Please book in advance.

Rosary procession to the Shrine from the Friday Market at 2.15. Transport available for pilgrims with disabilities.

Vigil Mass 4pm

Depart Walsingham Shrine 5.30pm.

Contact  or TEXT: 07990588083 for more information or to book. Please do not phone.  Seat confirmation is on receipt of payment.

CELEBRATION OF THE SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE: Have you just got married during 2024 or are you celebrating a significant wedding anniversary- one, 10, 25, 50 60 or more? If so, Bishop Ralph cordially invites you to join him at a diocesan celebration Mass in thanksgiving for the sacrament of Marriage on 28th September 2024 at St Peter’s, Chequer Road, Doncaster DN1 2AA at 12:00 followed by refreshments. Further Details from including booking form.

JOINS US FOR A SUMMER DAY OF REFLECTION WITH FR PETER SCALLY SJ: 13th July.  Peter is a Jesuit priest who is now based at Mount St Mary's College, Spinkhill, where he is beginning a new project with the Jesuit Institute to make theological and catechetical videos for YouTube. You will need to bring a packed lunch.

Mount St Mary’s College, Spinkhill Derbyshire S21 3YL 11:00-4:00

TOWARDS JUBILEE 2025:  Do you consider yourself to have a disability? Do you care for someone with a disability? Please complete this short Survey about Inclusion and Welcome in the Diocese of Hallam


PLEASE PRAY FOR OUR SICK: George Blow and his grandma;  Victoria Broughton; Christopher Browne;  Eileen Butterfield;  Jim Chandler;   Sam Cleasby;  Betty Delaney;  Pat Duffin;  Gillian Gee;  Robert Hume;   Sophie Hughes;  Owen Jenkinson;  Sheila Kobyluch;  Jed Krotki;  Kumba;  Isabel Main-Reade;  Haylen Markillie;  Charlie Massarella;  John Parker;  Emma Pearson (Glen’s daughter);  Annie Reynolds;  Maria Senogles;  Sandra Sherratt;  Olive Stafford;  Margaret Tyler; Pat Vickers;  and Teresa Williams.

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St. Joseph’s Dinnington.   Parish Priest:  Fr Andy.   Tel: 01909 562664 Weekend Masses: 9.30am Sunday at St. Joseph’s;    6pm Saturday at...


St Josephs Church, Dinnington


Blessed William Richardson, Kiveton Park

St Josephs Roman Catholic Church, Swinston Hill, Dinnington, Sheffield, South Yorkshire, S25 2RX

Blessed William Richardson Catholic Church, 56 Station Road, Kiveton Park, Sheffield, South Yorkshire, S26 6QQ

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