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08.02.2023 Reflection Group Meeting

Reflection Meeting Wednesday February 8th, 2023

Present: Shauna Hilton, Alison Bergomi, Monica Carroll, Anne Neil, Christine Parrot, Emma Slack, Marie and Tony Lear, Anne Marie Brammer, Anne Marie Carroll and John Cape,

Apologies:, , Mary Gillgrass, Maria Paton, Mark Massarella, Maine Hobart, Andrea Ellery and Helen Arden. Fr. Andy initially attended the meeting but on the recommendation of the group retuned to the presbytery as he was unwell.

Prayer: The meeting opened in prayer led by SH.

Reflection – There was a discussion and brief evaluation about the re-introduction of the administration of wine at last Sunday’s Mass at St. Joseph’s. It was generally felt a positive experience with the majority receiving communion in both forms. One or two minor practical issues regarding distribution will continue to be further improved as weeks progress. Despite a number of plastic cups already purchased it was agreed the integrity of the ‘cups’ was important and glass cups would be more appropriate. MC had purchased three new sets for St. Joseph’s which would be introduced next week. SH noted the importance of visiting priests being informed about the format for communion under both kinds and JC will speak with Fr. Bottoms before his visit to St. Joseph’s later this month.

AMB has kindly agreed to co-ordinate a Eucharistic Ministers Rota. She is already actively encouraging parishioners to consider becoming eucharistic ministers. Volunteers will require some training before taking on this key responsibility.


· Following some minor amendments, the notes from the January meeting were approved.


· MM will update parish finances at the next meeting.


· Kiveton roof - Waiting for a contractor to visit BWR but this will happen within the next two weeks.

· Bathroom project in presbytery now fully completed and Fr. A is delighted with it.

· Kitchen in parish rooms. Exploring two estimates for this work the first from the contractor who actioned the bathroom work and second from DC Interiors. This item to be on the next March agenda.

· St. Joseph’s sanctuary wall - Fr A had agreed Liam Whearty complete the work to include all plastering and making good (£790). Work will start as soon as possible. This does not include painting although MC suggested a local painter who may be willing to redecorate. She would follow this up.

Flowers and candles:

· Following ongoing reviews of health and safety work of both churches, AMC noted a potential fire hazard regarding candles located too near to flowers. This had already been noted by some present so it was agreed RP would be asked (CP) to put a barrier in to prevent candles getting too near to any floral displays or falling onto the carpet.


· Ash Wednesday February 22nd. A service would be held in church and in order to provide support for Fr Andy TL would draft a Service which would be led by AN, AB and AMC.

· A discussion concerning the Easter Triduum will be on next months’ agenda. The Group wish to maximise their involvement and support for Fr. A. and it is essential he is present in order to agree the detail.

· It was recommended a range of Easter information and resources be shared with the community on the Bulletin, Website and WhatsApp. This may take the form of signposting so parishioners can access quality guidance and information e.g., Pope Francis website. SH to research the links and share with MO for publication in future weekly bulletins.


· Annual event Saturday 25th March St Joseph’s Wath and an invitation is extended to all parishioners to attend. Information is already on the parish bulletin. SH will be attending and has been invited by the Safeguarding Commission to talk about the work and good practice of the St. Joseph’s Care Group.

· The date of this meeting clashes with a Diocesan Synod meeting led by the Hallam Formation and Mission group. TL and ML agreed to attend this meeting and provide feedback to the group at the next meeting.

Live Simply:

· CP has continued to champion the Live Simply campaign and was thanked for her commitment and effort. The Parish Plan is going very well indeed. A target for March is to use recycled paper e.g., kitchen and toilet rolls and copy paper.


· Ann Neil from Mansfield will speak at both Churches about the work of Cafod. Her delivery at BWR will be at the end of Mass and at St. Joseph’s at the homily.

· The Cafod ‘Family Fast’ collection will take place the weekend of March 4/5th and parishioners will be invited to support the appeal preferably using the gift aid envelopes provided.


· A significant thank you to TL, ML and LH for their magnificent efforts in maintaining and developing the PRE following the loss of BG in 2012 years ago. It has been a truly welcomed publication with a worldwide circulation which has been well received by many. This is confirmed by very positive feedback received overtime. Well Done. TL was quick to acknowledge others for their support and contributions notably MH. The final publication will be in May 2023.


· Are new parishioners aware of the parish WhatsApp? This would be published on the bulletin so that those interested could register with MC and access the App.

· Fundraising: Parishioners have continued their generous support for a range of worthy charities. Last week £482 was donated to the LEPRA Charity. Great news. There is also a need to ensure parishioners are not overburdened with requests for donations.

· There was as strong sense of solidarity and support for victims the recent earthquake as life for millions across Turkey and Syria changed forever on Monday, as two consecutive earthquakes sent shockwaves across hundreds of miles. The group confirmed an immediate request be made to parishioners to support the Disaster Emergency Committee (DEC) with a bucket to be made available for those wishing to make imminent donations. At next week’s Mass, there would be a second collection specifically for the appeal. MC to ask MO to add this request to this week’s bulletin and CP to collate a gift aid forms and envelopes for next week’s second collection.

· Noted, historic collections during the Easter Triduum will continue to support local charities.

· Consider arranging a future ‘New Parishioners Evening’ after Easter. To be placed on next agenda.

· It was agreed there would be no Children’s Liturgy in the immediate future.

· A generous legacy had been donated to the parish.

· It was agreed there will be no further Zoom masses. Special thanks to ES and MC CM and others for their valiant efforts overtime.

· Future speakers. JADE Youth and Community Dinnington. JC to approach SO to invite him to speak in the future of their valuable work with local youth.

· A brief emergency plan was agreed in the case Fr. Andy was too poorly to celebrate Masses at the weekend.

Next meeting March….. Wednesday March 8th at 7.00pm

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