St Joseph’s, Dinnington Parish Priest: Fr. Andy Tel: 01909 562664
Weekend Masses: Sunday 9.30am in church (booking required); Saturday 5pm via zoom (for Sunday)
Email: Website:
EMERGENCY CONTACT: In the event of an emergency where you may specifically require the services of a priest please continue to contact either Monica Carroll (07813 920844) or Anne Marie Carroll (07481 038633) Monica and Anne Marie can also be contacted if you need help from the Support group for shopping,
Week beginning Sunday 16th May 2021. (Year B)
Saturday 15th May: 5pm Mass via Zoom (For Sunday) Readings as for Sunday
Readings of the day: Acts 18:23-28; Psalm 46(47):2-3,8-10; John 16:23-28
9.30am Mass in Church with live Zoom
Acts 1:15-17,20-26; Psalm 102(103):1-2,11-12,19-20; 1 John 4:11-16; John 17:11-19
Monday: Acts 19:1-8; Psalm 67(68):2-7; John 16:29-33
Tuesday: Acts 20:17-27; Psalm 67(68):10-11,20-21; John 17:1-11
(Saint John I, Pope, Martyr)
WEDNESDAY: Acts 20:28-38; Psalm 67(68):29-30,33-36; John 17:11-19
(St Dunstan, Archbishop of Canterbury)
Thursday: 9am Mass via Zoom. (Saint Bernardine of Siena)
Readings: Acts 22:30,23:6-11; Psalm 15(16):1-2,5,7-11; John 17:20-26
Friday: Acts 25:13-21; Psalm 102(103):1-2,11-12,19-20; John 21:15-19
(Saint Christopher Magallanes and his Companions, Martyrs)
Saturday: 5pm Mass via Zoom (for Sunday) (Saint Rita of Cascia)
Readings of the day: Acts 28:16-20,30-31; Psalm 10(11):4-5,7; John 21:20-25
Next Sunday : Pentecost: Zoom Mass at 9am
Readings: Acts 2:1-11; Psalm 103(104):1,24,29-31,34;
1 Corinthians 12:3-7,12-13; John 20:19-23
“It has been suggested that while we are having zoom Masses that we might be able to join in with the Mass on line more fully. The idea is to have ready at Mass time some bread and wine in your own home and when it is time for Holy Communion, we can all share in the Eucharistic celebration in a much richer way. So when I, as the priest, consecrate the bread and wine, those on zoom having the bread and wine in their presence are able to all eat and drink and share the same Eucharistic meal together. Hopefully this will help us to feel that we are still a faith community and close to the Lord and close to one another.”
For those unable to partake as above and who wish to receive Spiritual Communion the Catholic Bishops Conference offers the following prayer for recitation:
Oh my Jesus, I believe that you are present in this Holy Sacrament of the altar.
I love you above all things, and I passionately desire to receive You into my soul.
Since I cannot at this moment receive You sacramentally come spiritually into my soul.
so that I may unite myself wholly to you now and forever. Amen
Please see below your Zoom meeting details
Saturday 15th May at 5pm: Meeting ID: 862 4783 7764 Passcode: 972733
Sunday 16th May at 9.30am: Meeting ID: 865 9308 9636 Passcode: 145118
Thursday 20th May at 9am: Meeting ID: 850 1608 5395 Passcode: 510807
PRAYER FOR THE YEAR OF ST JOSEPH: Hail, Guardian of the Redeemer, Spouse of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
To you God entrusted his only Son; in you Mary placed her trust;
with you Christ became man.
Blessed Joseph, to us too, show yourself a father and guide us in the path of life.
Obtain for us grace, mercy, and courage, and defend us from every evil.
Let us pray that those in charge of finance will work with governments to regulate the financial sphere and protect citizens from its dangers.
A SPECIAL REQUEST FROM POPE FRANCIS: Throughout the month of May Pope Francis has invited Catholics and Marian Shrines to dedicate the month of May to a marathon prayer for an end to the Covid-19 pandemic. Pope Francis will open the Marian month of prayer on 1 May with a Rosary broadcast across Vatican Media’s platforms and each day Vatican News will broadcast the recitation of the Rosary at 6 PM Rome time from the various Shrines taking part in the initiative, (currently 30)
The Pope will close the initiative on 31 May with another specially-broadcast Rosary.
The initiative takes takes place under the theme “The whole Church was fervently praying to God,” which recalls a verse in the Book of Acts (12:5).
NEW ON-LINE COURSE: “Sycamore, is an easy-to-use course for parishes and groups to explore and share their Christian faith in natural, informal ways. Several people have already expressed an interest in using this as one way of reconnecting with people after a year of lockdown and restrictions.
Sycamore ( is "an informal course about the Christian faith and its relevance for life today. It gives you space to meet other people, share ideas, explore your beliefs, and think about questions that really matter" using short video clips, prayer, and conversation.
It sounds something like Alpha from that short description, especially when you see that it can be based around a meal, but it's a Catholic presentation with some different topics, and has been developed as very flexible short videos which can be combined by anyone into custom programmes for different uses (eg a parish retreat as well as initial evangelisation)
Fr Stephen Wang and Susan Longhurst, leaders in the Sycamore team, are going to lead an online "webinar"specially for Hallam diocese on June 9th, 7pm-830pm.
Places are limited to 70, so that there can be a manageable number on the online session for discussion and questions, so please sign up as soon as you are sure you plan to attend. Please do share this invite with parishioners and friends - especially those already involved in catechesis, renewal, or evangelisation, or who might set up a group using this kind of resource.
To reserve a place, you need to book a free tickets here (not by replying to this email!):
If more than one person will be watching from the same computer/tablet/phone, that only requires a single ticket.”
SPUC Pro-Life Chain: Sheffield SPUC is organising its annual pro-life silent witness on Meadowhall Way, Meadowhall (just off the roundabout opposite TGI Friday diner and past Next Home) on Saturday 5th June 11-1. Last year's event had to be cancelled due to lockdown, so it would be good to get a good number participating. Contact 07815820052 for further information.
CAFOD INDIA APPEAL: As coronavirus brings devastation across India, CAFOD is working with experienced local Church agency, Caritas India, to provide vital support to poor and marginalised communities. Donations to CAFOD’s Coronavirus Appeal will help Caritas India distribute PPE kits to frontline health workers, promote COVID & vaccine awareness campaigns, and set up safely run isolation & quarantine centres. You can donate online here: Please keep praying for the people of India and all those affected by the pandemic.
THY KINGDOM COME: A message from Greg Ryan, Director of Adult Formation, Doicese of Hallam. “You may have already heard about the UK churches initiative called "Thy Kingdom Come", praying for all aspects of spreading the Gospel, which takes place between Ascension and Pentecost. I know that some Hallam parishioners have taken part in previous years.
A number of resources which may be useful to individuals and parish groups have been made available by Teresa Carvalho. You can find downloads of the Catholic Resources via and copies can be ordered via (individual copies) or free larger orders while stocks last. “
A suggestion is also made regarding identifying Parish Champions. If you are interested in being a "Parish Champion" for this initiative, Greg asks that you discuss this first with Fr Andy and then let him know so that people can be connected at the diocesan level.
FUND RAISING FOR KIVETON: Work on the church in KIveton continues. Please visit the Kiveton Project item on the website to find out more information on the restoration project for Blessed William Richardson, Kiveton and also to find how you can make a donation on line to help with this vital project. Please note that we will also accept cash or cheque donations marked clearly ‘BWR’ which can be passed to Fr Andy or any members of the Reflection Group. The target amount we need to achieve is £14,000. This is to meet the costs of roof repairs, essential electrical work, interior renovation, and redecoration. To comply with all health and safety requirements this work must be completed before the Diocese will allow the chapel to reopen. Some funding has already come from the Diocese and the parish is passionately committed to financially supporting the reopening of the chapel and the amount raised to date is £4100.
JOB ADVERTISEMENTS: Please see below 6 job vacancies being advertised by various schools and the Diocese.
PLEASE REMEMBER OUR SICK ESPECIALLY IN THESE DIFFICULT TIMES: George Blow & his Grandma, Mary Brady, Christopher Browne, Eileen Butterfield, Jim Chandler, Peggy Cummins, Gillian Gee, Brendan Handley, Robert Hume, Sophie Hughes, Ged Krotki, Kumba, Pat Luton, Isabel Main-Reade, Haylen Markillie, Franz Muller, John Parker, Kate Patterson, Tom Rutherford, Sandra Sherratt, Olive Stafford, Robert Stock, Pat Vickers, Claire Watt, Teresa Williams and Michel
Job Title: Coordinator for Adult Formation and Mission
Hours: 90 hours per month, with a routine requirement for evening and weekend work.
Location: Hallam Pastoral Centre, Sheffield. Frequent travel within diocese and some UK travel.
Salary: £24,000 (£40,000 pro-rata, 0.6 FTE )
Holidays: 25 days (pro-rata) plus statutory days
Department : Adult Education
Responsible to: Vicar General for the Diocese of Hallam
Start Date : 1st August 2021 (or by agreement)
Closing Date for Applications: 14th June 2021
Apply with CV and covering letter demonstrating your suitability for the role to: Jessica Moylan:
Purpose of the job:
To facilitate and coordinate opportunities for adult faith formation – intellectual, practical, and spiritual - within the Diocese of Hallam, orientated towards the two key outcomes:
• Enabling the faithful of the diocese to fulfil their calling as missionary disciples (Evangelii Gaudium)
• Contributing to the ongoing renewal of the diocese in its Christian mission in a changing and challenging context in the Church and in the World
The principal outputs associated with these outcomes are:
• Local formation activities (e.g. parish talks)
• Formal programmes in which Hallam is a stakeholder (e.g. CCRS, Loyola Certificate in Pastoral Ministry)
• Recommended external resources and associated best practice (e.g. Alpha, Divine Renovation, Sycamore)
These outputs are delivered through three main activities:
• Coordinating formation activity delivery in the diocese
• Curating resource, especially external online resources
• Collaborating with other groups within and beyond the diocese, on effective use of resources in faith formation and mission.
Main Responsibilities:
• Identify and work with emerging local lay leaders to create a sustainable network of volunteer practitioner-coordinators to facilitate shared learning, ongoing communication to and from the diocese, shared resources, and mutual spiritual and practical support across parish boundaries.
• Develop, deliver and support a range of ongoing diocesan formation programmes.
• Coordinate the Catholic Certificate in Religious Studies (CCRS) programme in the diocese.
• Promote the Loyola Certificate in Pastoral Ministry (and other approved programmes) , ensuring Hallam meets its commitments to the scheme, and provide ongoing support for students and alumni.
• Work with colleagues in formation for priests and permanent deacons to identify potential shared learning and efficient use of resources and opportunities
• Work with experienced spiritual accompaniers (ordained and lay) to develop a sustainable approach to Spiritual Formation in the diocese.
• Identify, assess, promote, and curate external resources for formation and mission (particularly online resources, but also physical media, licences etc.)
• Maintain suitable resources for individual and groups to use in formation and evangelisation, including the Hallam Pastoral Centre library.
• Recruit and manage tutors and contributors (e.g. external speakers) for adult formation programmes and events.
• Maintain adult formation content on the diocesan website and on social media channels.
• Promote adult formation activities in the diocese through various communication channels.
• Deliver strong internet presence in respect of content and social connectivity.
• Contribute to regional and national networks in adult formation and theological education. This may include working with partner dioceses and organisations on particular projects.
• Liaise and collaborate with other diocesan and parish groups in the diocese in order to achieve the outcomes of enabling disciples and renewed diocesan mission. Particular areas for collaboration and coordination exist regarding Spirituality, Justice and Peace, Youth Ministry, Mission Hub and Chaplaincy, and Evangelisation, Mission, and Renewal.
• Actively look for ecumenical opportunities in adult formation and education.
• Tend to his/her own ongoing intellectual, skills-based, and spiritual formation.
• Provides reports and presentations on Adult Formation progress and plans to trustees.
• Responsible for an annual budget to reimburse speakers and purchase formation resources.
• Carry out additional tasks as agreed with the Vicar General.
1. Track record of successful project delivery involving coordinating multiple stakeholders, whether in voluntary, commercial, church, or other context.
2. Familiarity with, and competence in handling Church documents, including the Catechism of the Catholic Church, relevant dicastery documents (e.g. Directory on Catechesis), and the documents of Vatican II and the relevant Papal magisterium including Evangelii Gaudium and Laudato Si’.
3. Familiarity with, and competence in using Scripture from a mature adult perspective, aware of Catholic teaching on interpreting the Bible and ways of reading and using scripture in the Church.
4. Familiarity with contemporary resources for faith formation, evangelisation, and renewal.
5. Excellent planning, organisational and communication skills.
6. Understanding of contemporary Catholic life at parish, national, and international levels.
7. Ability to work collaboratively with other diocesan and national agencies
1. Degree-level education in Theology, Ministry or a related discipline.
2. Experience of teaching adults, including planning and design of courses/sessions.
3. Active in parish and diocesan life.
4. Experience of leading a programme for formation, renewal, or evangelisation.
5. Experience of working within a diocesan structure.
6. Experience of developing and leading appropriate liturgies for small and large groups.
7. Experience of project management and budget control
8. People management and team leading experience.
9. Experience of using online tools for teaching, formation, or mission.
1. Self-starter, able to work without on-site supervisions
2. Ability to work as part of a team, often involving working with people at a distance via email.
3. Strong ICT skills, including Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, G-mail/ G-suite, Zoom. Must be technically capable of working remotely using online tools.
4. Full UK Driving licence and ability to travel in UK as required.
1. Experience in writing reports and articles for internal and external publication.
2. Basic website content management skills
3. Experience of online learning tools and remote working
4. Experience of organising and promoting events.
Personal Qualities:
1. There is a Genuine Occupational Requirement that this post is held by a practicing Catholic.
2. The postholder will be sensitive to the ‘polyhedron’ of diversity in the Church - ‘unity not uniformity’ [see Evangelii Gaudium (236), Fratelli Tutti (145, 215)].
3. Reliable, adaptable and able to work under pressure.
4. Creative, forward thinking and able to manage change.
5. Able to work alongside people in a mature, affirming and supportive manner.
6. Able to communicate with a wide variety of people at a consistently high level.
7. Willing to attend commitments outside of normal office hours, including weekends and occasional residential activities.
8. The successful applicant will not have any convictions or restrictions relating to safeguarding and will work within the safeguarding policies of the diocese.
All Saints Catholic High School
Granville Road
S2 2RJ
Tel : 0114 2724851. Fax : 0114 2765371
Email :
Website :
Specialist Teaching Assistant
(working with a specific student)
Scale 4 Grades 7 to 11 (£20,092 - £21,748) pro rata to
33.5 hours per week, 39 weeks per year
Required from 1 September 2021
All Saints is a highly successful, oversubscribed, 11-18 Catholic Voluntary Academy with 1438 students on roll, including 417 in the sixth form. The last OFSTED inspection in April 2018 judged the school to be Good. The school is co-located with an Outstanding maintained special school.
The Governors wish to appoint a skilled and suitably experienced Teaching Assistant professional to work with a female student with significant learning needs. The appointment will accompany the student to all lessons (Y9 from September 2021) and will work with the teacher to ensure that the learning is tailored to meet her needs. In some instances, one-to-one work will take place when the student is not in a lesson with others. Communication skills are key for this role.
We would welcome contact from interested individuals to discuss the role in more detail prior to application.
In the statement accompanying your application, please explain how your experience to date would enable you to fulfil this role.
All Saints is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people. We expect all staff to share this commitment and to undergo appropriate checks, including enhanced DBS checks.
Candidates should have the ability to fulfil all spoken aspects of the role with confidence through the medium of English.
A Catholic Education Service application form and further details are available on the school website. Please only use the CES form for your application, which should be returned to Jo Thorpe, PA to the Headteacher,, or by post to the school address.
Closing Date : Wednesday 19 May 2021 at 12 noon
And also at All Saints:
(main pay range/upper pay range)
Required from 1 September 2021
The Governors wish to to appoint a qualified and creative professional to join the Mathematics department at All Saints. The department has 10 embers of staff who are all experienced and teach across the key stages; Mathematics is one of the most popular A levels; Further Mathematics is also delivered and attracts the most able students. We are looking for someone who is enthusiastic to develop their skills and expertise in our context.
In your application letter please explain how your experience to date will allow you to fulfil this role in this department.
All Saints is committed to Safeguarding and the promoting the welfare of children and young people. We expect all staff to share this commitment and to undergo appropriate checks, including enhanced DBS checks.
Candidates should have the ability to fulfil all spoken aspects of the role with confidence through the medium of English.
A Catholic Education application form and further details are available on the school website. Please use this form for your application which should be returned to Jo Thorpe, PA to the Head Teacher, Or by post to the school address.
Closing date 18th May 2021.
11-18 Mixed Catholic Comprehensive School
Tel: 0114 2302536
We are looking to appoint to the following post from 1st September 2021:
Teacher of Social Sciences (Psychology and/or Health and Social Care)
Teachers’ Pay Range (£25,714 - £41,604 p.a. pro-rota)
(Full time /Temporary to 31st August 2022)
We will also consider applications for part time work and Job Share.
Notre Dame is a Catholic school with a strong ethos at its heart. All staff are expected to uphold and contribute to the ethos of the school, which is what makes it a special place to work.
For further details and an application pack please visit our website: or e-mail
You are warmly invited to visit the school prior to submitting an application.
We will be shortlisting applications as and when they are received until the latest date of 19th May 2021. We will also be interviewing as and when appropriate therefore we would recommend that you either contact or ring the school to check whether this position has already been recruited to before sending in your application.
Notre Dame High School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children & young people and expects all staff to share this commitment. The successful applicant will be required to complete an Enhanced DBS Disclosure.
Holy Rood Catholic Primary School
The Diocese of Hallam working in Partnership with Barnsley MBC
Holy Rood Catholic Primary School, Shaw Street, Barnsley, S70 6JL Headteacher: Mrs K Dobson
Required for September 2021
Fixed Term Contract for 1-year Teaching Assistant, Grade 2/SMSA, Grade 1
Teaching Assistant 27.50 hours per week, SMSA 5 hours per week, both term time only plus 2 Inset days Actual Salary: TA £11,790 SMSA £2,265
The governors of Holy Rood Catholic Primary School wish to appoint a Teaching Assistant/SMSA on a fixed-term contract for 1-year who is passionate, highly motivated, enthusiastic and hardworking. We are looking for people who are caring and patient with a good understanding of how children learn. The successful candidate will work in close partnership with the Head Teacher, staff, parents and governors to help develop our school, sharing our vision and aims to drive the school forward. This post includes working 1 hour per day as a SMSA.
We require an employee who will have:
Excellent interpersonal and organisational skills
A positive attitude and the ability to use your initiative
Flexibility and adaptability
Good literacy and numeracy skills and a passion for continued professional development
Support the Catholic ethos of the school
Be inspiring, enthusiastic and creative
Have the strongest desire to raise standards of achievement and have children at the heart of everything they do
Be able to work within a close team to achieve the very best for our children
Hold the following qualifications: GCSE Maths and English (A-C) or equivalent.
We can offer:
A dedicated, hardworking and supportive team
A welcoming community with a strong Christian ethos
Enthusiastic and friendly children who are willing and eager to learn Supportive governors, parents and Parish community
Opportunities for further professional development
The successful applicants must be willing to work alongside children in EYFS to Year 6, some who have a range of Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities (SEND), to deliver tailored and personalised interventions that allow all children to access a high-quality mainstream education, as well as supporting all children to develop socially during outdoor play. Experience of working in an educational setting (ideally primary) is essential to this role.
Application forms and further details are available to download from the school website and should be returned to the school or emailed to
Please note you do not have to be Catholic to work at our school.
Closing date: Friday 21st May 2021 12 noon
The school is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment. The successful applicant will be required to apply for an enhance disclosure from the Disxclosure and Barring Service (DBS)
Houseparent - Female
Working Pattern:
Full time, Term time (35 weeks) plus 3 weeks during holiday periods Hours are allocated on a rota system across 7 days a week
Contract: Maternity cover 12 months – commencing 23rd August 2021 Salary: £23,000 per annum, with accommodation
Start Date: September 2021 or sooner, if available.
The Role
Working within the girl’s boarding house the Houseparent is essential in encouraging and ensuring boarding students take part in all activities and to manage their pastoral care, ensuring they are safe and happy in the school environment.
The Houseparents act as the reasonable parent at all times to the boarders and coordinate the boarding team ensuring cover is appropriate. With a focus on Safeguarding and health and safety, the houseparent will ensure the welfare of students daily.
Additional duties include, but are not limited to:
Ensuring that students new to the school are inducted and supported appropriately
Set high expectations of academic work among the students in the House, overseeing
their academic progress and supporting classroom teachers in encouraging high levels of
effort and attainment
Communicating effectively with parents on all matters relating to their sons and
daughters, both on an individual and collective basis.
Take immediate responsibility for the staff in the House, and will liaise, where necessary, with
other staff in the school, including Housekeepers and nursing staff.
Manage the weekend activities programme for full boarders
Produce the budget requests for the House, and will be expected to exercise careful control
over expenditure
Keep thorough, accurate records about each student
Coordinate the travel, arrival and departure of all incoming and outgoing boarding pupils
to the School
We are looking to appoint an experienced Houseparent who is passionate about the pastoral care of pupils. As a houseparent, you will lead, manage and monitor the running of a boarding house; to promote boarding and to ensure the welfare and well-being of boarders.
You will have experience of working with young people within a boarding community, along with pastoral care experience. Good knowledge of safeguarding protocols and child protection is also required for this role.
The ideal candidate will:
Be an excellent communicator
Be IT literate
Extremely organised
Be enthusiastic in ensuring a busy and fulfilling boarding life for boarders
Be a resilient individual
Have good problem solving skills
Please note, as this role is for a girls boarding houseparent it is suitable for female applicants only. This is an occupational requirement in accordance with Schedule 9, Paragraph 1 of the Equality Act 2010
Who are we?
Mount St. Mary’s College is a special community with a proud history and a bright future, where staff and pupils work hard to achieve success. Nestled in beautiful and spacious grounds in the North East Derbyshire village of Spinkhill, Mount St Mary’s College is an independent Jesuit day and boarding school for boys and girls aged 11-18.
The School values diversity and strives to promote equality at all levels, including its employees and students. Applications are welcome from all sections of the Community. Mount St Mary’s College is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people, and expect all staff and volunteers to share this commitment. Offers of employment will be subject to an enhanced disclosure and barring service (DBS) check.
How to apply
To apply download an application form here and send the completed form to
Closing date: 19th May 2021 – 10am
Please note if you do not hear within 4 weeks from applying, you can assume you have been unsuccessful. All correspondence will be sent via email.