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January 11th 2023 Reflection Meeting

Minutes for Reflection Meeting- January 11th


Father Andy, Marie and Tony Leah, Maria P, Anne Marie , Maine, Emma, Shauna, Chris, Mark, Alison, John, Mary, Helen A, Monica, Andrea


Reflection on the Advent and Christmas Services

Positive Comments as to feedback

The Remembrance Service was enjoyed by many newcomers.

As were; carols by Candlelight and the Social before Christmas,

Fund Raising was good as were donations towards i.e. Mary’s Meals, Food Bank ,St Wilfred’s, St Joseph’ School Hampers, School Staff adding to those with donations which were very much appreciated by recipients.

The services were beautiful with the help of Andy’s delivery and the various musicians who added to the service so well. Many thanks to them all.

Comment ‘Do we need to advertise events more?’

Some reflection on next year’s Christmas Services as to timings and services.

Reflection on the pandemic and parish life

There was a general conversation as to recovery of parishes after the pandemic. Congregations, as in Sunday Mass attendance have diminished since COVID, this has added to a trend already noted not only here in England but across Europe. However Spirituality has increased in these areas during and after the pandemic.

How do we respond?

Do we need to check if we follow the trend by counting at Masses to see if we are still following the trend or turning a corner?

Kiveton has noticed an increase in the prayer group’s attendance. They also have 5 children for First Communion this year. Their Mass attendance is good. Do people respond to the Saturday evening Mass time?

Dinnington has noticed an increase in the diversity of the congregation. Do we need to involve new members of the congregation more? I.e. ministry

Are there ways we might improve the numbers?

What can we do for the youth? Can we provide a safe place for young adults? Do they feel they need to come to church?

*Minutes of the last meeting received and accepted.

*Review of the Year as recorded in the reflection points

*Wine at Mass due to begin 5th February .

How has it been received at Kiveton in the trial?

Positive comments as to the trail in Kiveton .We heard how it has been planned for and ,with the use of extra ministers, been able to be administered in the Mass. Everything has been within covid guidance and participants are asked if they wish to receive the wine and counted so that there is the correct number of glasses for the Mass . These will be cleaned after mass by the ministers.

How will we need to prepare for this date in Dinnington?

In Dinnington there will need to be another minister to help with the distribution and glasses will need to be filled before and cleaned after Mass. All these matters were discussed and it was agreed to put the information and start date on the next bulletin. Father Andy will of course announce the changes at mass before it commences.

* Finance

Mark and Anne have been looking at accounts with particular focus on the current economic situation. We are down on Outgoings this year due to spending in the previous year on the presbytery kitchen. Incomings are down this year to the tune of approx £2,000.but we are well in credit.

What do we need to do?

We are expecting higher utility bills this year due to the current situation. A delay in getting info from the government but the diocese is in control of this.


We are getting a credit card machine, linked to an email, to help with this. A query about how this ties in with Gift Aid has been cleared as there is no issue in claiming Gift Aid using a Donor system .


Leak in Kiveton roof

Loose or’ Blown ‘plaster in St Joseph’s

Do we need a system to help Andy with his phone calls? Maybe the use of a system where by urgent and private calls to Andy can be distinguished from the non urgent. With some discussion there were some solutions put forward.

*Use of Parish rooms

Andy had a request for 10 sessions for Meg Burton to run a course she is planning. What cost could we ask for?

Warm Space

Thanks to the people who have kept the rooms open before Christmas. Shauna attended a council meeting recently to feed back, Other centres, St Leonards with 4-5 people attending, the Resource Centre with no increase and the Lyric just a few. As there was very little call for it at St Josephs we have decided to end our participation in the scheme.

*Live Simply

Les Clarke from the Salvation Army will speak about the food bank, including on line giving.

Action Plan for Live Simply Award in track

Date for Sale of Environmentally Friendly Goods better for April after Lenten Appeals

We have organised two water devices for saving water in the toilets

Good news single use plastic to be banned by the government

Pit opening?? ‘Whitehaven’ not good news, click no!

*Care Group continues to visit and many DBS done this year already.

*’Lepra’ talk / appeal on leprosy, January 29th at Masses

*Date of Next Meeting 8th February

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St Josephs Church, Dinnington


Blessed William Richardson, Kiveton Park

St Josephs Roman Catholic Church, Swinston Hill, Dinnington, Sheffield, South Yorkshire, S25 2RX

Blessed William Richardson Catholic Church, 56 Station Road, Kiveton Park, Sheffield, South Yorkshire, S26 6QQ

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