St. Joseph’s Dinnington. Parish Priest: Fr Andy. Tel: 01909 562664
Weekend Masses:
9.30am Sunday at St. Joseph’s;
6pm Saturday at Blessed William Richardson, Kiveton (for Sunday)
Penitential Service 5pm the first Saturday of the month at St. Joseph’s
Children’s Liturgy first Sunday of the month.
Email: Website:
In the event of an emergency where you may specifically require the services of a priest please contact either:
Monica Carroll (07813 920844) or Anne Marie Carroll (07841 038663)
Week beginning Sunday 29th September 2024
26th Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year B: Green)
SATURDAY 28th September
6pm Mass at Blessed William Richardson, Kiveton (for Sunday)
(For Elaine Horton)
Readings for the day:
Ecclesiastes 11:9-12:8; Psalm 89(90):3-6,12-14,17; Luke 9:43-45
(Saint Wenceslaus, Martyr or Saints Laurence Ruiz and his Companions, Martyrs)
9.30am Mass at St Joseph’s
(For the Richardson family)
Numbers 11:25-29; Psalm 18(19):8,10,12-14;
James 5:1-6; Mark 9:38-43,45,47-48
Walk for Creation after Mass.
No Mass today
Job 1:6-22; Psalm 16(17):1-3,6-7; Luke 9:46-50
(Saint Jerome, Priest, Doctor)
TUESDAY: 11.30am Hour of prayer at Kiveton this morning.
7pm Mass in the parish rooms
7.30pm parish Support Group meeting in the parish rooms
Job 3:1-3,11-17,20-23; Psalm 87(88):2-8; Luke 9:51-56
(Saint Thérèse of the Child Jesus, Virgin, Doctor)
No Mass today
7pm Reflection group meeting in the parish rooms
Job 9:1-13,14-16; Psalm 87(88):10-15; Matthew 18:1-5,10
8.30am Mass in the parish rooms
Job 19:21-27; Psalm 26(27):7-9,13-14; Luke 10:1-12
FRIDAY: No Mass today
Job 38:1,12-21,40:3-5; Psalm 138(139):1-3,7-10,13-14; Luke 10:13-16
(Saint Francis of Assisi)
6pm Mass at Blessed William Richardson Church, Kiveton (for Sunday)
Readings for the day:
Job 42:1-3,5-6,12-17; Psalm 118(119):66,71,75,91,125,130; Luke 10:17-24
(Saint Faustina Kowalska, Religious)
Next Sunday: 27th Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year B: Green)
9.30am Mass at St Joseph’s.
Readings: Genesis 2:18-24; Psalm 127(128);
Hebrews 2:9-11; Mark 10:2-16
PARISH PRAYER FOR THE WEEK: We pray for the work of CAFOD and for all who work to bring God's love to others, and we pray for our parish community. May we be grateful for all that we have, willing to share with others and ready to act to challenge injustice so all people may share in the gifts of the earth. Lord in your mercy...
(CAFOD weekly prayers of intercession)
THE POPE’S INTENTION FOR OCTOBER: For a shared missionWe pray that the Church continue to sustain in all ways a Synodal lifestyle, as a sign of co-responsibility, promoting the participation, the communion and the mission shared among priests, religious and lay people.
RIP ELAINE HORTON: Elaine has died unexpectedly on Sunday 15th September. The parish has been shocked and deeply saddened by Elaine’s sudden demise and she will be truely missed. Our prayers and heartfelt sympathies are with Trevor, Anna, Laura and the family at this very difficult time. The funeral will take place at 11am on Tuesday 15th October at St. Joseph’s. Close family will then attend Elaine’s internment and then join mourners at Tickhill Cricket Club for all to share their memories of this much loved lady.
RIP TOM STANIFORTH: Tom, a member of the Anglican community in Wales was known to some of our parishioners, particularly in Kiveton. He died at the age of 102 years. A Service of Thanksgiving to celebrate his life is taking palce at 11.45am, Thursday 3rd October 2024 at Wales Parish Church & afterwards at Brimmimgton Crematoriam, with a gathering afterwards at Kiveton & Wales Village Hall. Our thoughts and prayers are with Tom’s family and friends at this sad time.
LIVE SIMPLY OCTOBER: The theme this month is family fast.
CAFOD Family Fast Day – Harvest Appeal. Friday 4th October (retiring collection after Masses 5th and 6th October)
As a Catholic community, we believe that everyone deserves the opportunity to fulfil their God-given potential. This Family Fast Day CAFOD highlights Daniel’s story, he is a young man from Goma, in Democratic Republic of the Congo, doing exactly that – fulfilling his potential and carving his own future.
Daniel, a young man in Democratic Republic of the Congo, is carving a better future for his family with carpentry skills he learned in a CAFOD-funded training centre. Give to CAFOD today and you’ll fund training, tools, equipment and safe spaces so more people like Daniel can learn new skills and fulfil their God-given potential. Use the envelope in church or give online at
CHILDREN’S LITURGY: The next Children’s Liturgy will be held on Sunday 6th October at St. Joseph’s.
PREPARING FOR THE NEW LECTIONARY: A new translation of the lectionary will come into use on the first Sunday of Advent (1 December 2024). To help readers and others prepare for this change, and specifically help readers prepare for the proclamation of this new translation, the Formation and Mission Team are planning to have two training sessions: Monday 21 October 7:00 -8:30 pm at the Pastoral Centre and Saturday 16 November 10:00-11:30 am at Blessed Trinity, Northfield Lane, Wickersley, Rotherham S66 2HL. The sessions are aimed primarily at readers but open to others. To help us with our planning you will need to book for either of these events on our Eventbrite page
OPPORTUNITIES FOR SPIRITUAL DEVELOPMENT: The Formation and Mission Team is planning a number of events to help people to develop their spirituality. These will begin with an online week of Guided Prayer from 1-7 December led by the Jesuit Institute. If you would like to find out more contact the Formation & Mission Team.
OPEN EVENING: St Bernard's Catholic High School is delighted to invite all Y6 children and their families to an Open Evening on October 1st from 4-6pm. We look forward to seeing you there.
SOUP AND SONG: The next interactive music session with Lost Chord is on Thursday 10th October 12-2pm at Wales Methodist Church. All welcome.
VOLUNTEERING VACANCIES WITH THE DIOCESE: The Diocese is seeking new volunteers for three very different roles. Would you consider being the Diocesan Environmental Lead? Or do you have an interest in Archives? Do you have the experience to contribute to the Diocesan Buildings Committee? If any of these roles sound interesting, please take a look on the Vacancies page on the Diocesan website for more information.
OPEN EVENING FOR RYTON CHORALE: Monday 7th October 7.30pm at Holy Family school in Worksop, S80 2SF. Come and Sing! - no admission charge. All voice parts welcome. See also the choir’s facebook page.
A free six-week course for a happier and more relaxed you.
Starting for six weekly sessions from Monday 28th October 6-7pm online.
Join us to explore;
- Emotional Self-care – Emotional self-care allows us to take time for the benefit of our health and well-being.
- Thinking about putting your own needs first - building your resilience.
- Being more assertive and setting boundaries – so that you can communicate better and more effectively at home and work.
- Stress and relaxation techniques – learning new skills for a more relaxed you.
- Build resilience and recover from trauma – To move forward in your life.
Come and join us for these relaxed, friendly and supportive sessions!
To book a place or find out for information contact Janet Kent 07927657462
MEDJUGORJE IRISH CENTRE PILGRIMAGES APRIL - OCT 2024: 7 Nights Apartment B&B from €273 per person sharing. Airport transfer available on request. Contact us for details and book the dates that suit you.Tel. 020 3239 8662 or website
TOWARDS JUBILEE 2025: Do you consider yourself to have a disability? Do you care for someone with a disability? Please complete this short Survey about Inclusion and Welcome in the Diocese of Hallam
JOB OPPORTUNITIES: For anyone interested in job opportunities at St.Bernard’s School please follow the link they have sent us.
PLEASE PRAY FOR OUR SICK: George Blow and his grandma; Victoria Broughton; Christopher Browne; Eileen Butterfield; Jim Chandler; Sam Cleasby; Betty Delaney; Pat Duffin; Gillian Gee; Robert Hume; Sophie Hughes; Owen Jenkinson; Jed Krotki; Kumba; Isabel Main-Reade; Haylen Markillie; Charlie Massarella; John Parker; Emma Pearson (Glen’s daughter); Annie Reynolds; Maria Senogles; Sandra Sherratt; Olive Stafford; Margaret Tyler; Pat Vickers; and Teresa Williams.