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05.05.2024 Newsletter

St. Joseph’s Dinnington.   Parish Priest:  Fr Andy.   Tel: 01909 562664

Weekend Masses:

9.30am Sunday at St. Joseph’s   

6pm Saturday at Blessed William Richardson, Kiveton (for Sunday)


In the event of an emergency where you may specifically require the services of a priest please contact either:

Monica Carroll (07813 920844) or Anne Marie Carroll (0784 038663)

Week beginning Sunday 5th May 2024

The Sixth Sunday of Easter (Year B)



6pm Mass  at Blessed William Richardson Church, Kiveton.

Celebrant Fr O’ Connell.

Readings for the day:

Acts 7:55-60;   Psalm 30(31):3-4,6,8,17,21;   Matthew 10:17-20


9.30am Mass at St.Joseph’s

Readings for Mass:

Acts 10:25-26,​34-35,​44-48;  Psalm 97(98):1-4;

1 John 4:7-10;   John 15:9-17;

MONDAY: No Mass today

Acts 16:11-15;   Psalm 149:1-6,9;   John 15:26-16:4

TUESDAY:  No Mass today

11.30am Hour of quiet prayer at Blessed William Richardson  Church, Kiveton.

Acts 16:22-34;   Psalm 137(138):1-3,7-8;   John 16:5-11

WEDNESDAY:  No Mass today

Acts 17:15,​22-18:1;   Psalm 148:1-2,11-14;   John 16:12-15


No Mass today

2pm: The Holy Rosary for Peace in the parish rooms.

Acts 1:1-11;  Psalm 46(47):2-3,6-9;   Ephesians 4:1-13;  Mark 16:15-20


Acts 18:9-18;   Psalm 46(47):2-7;   John 16:20-23

(Saint John of Ávila, Priest, Doctor)


6pm Mass at Blessed William Richardson Church, Kiveton

Acts 18:23-28;   Psalm 46(47):2-3,8-10;  John 16:23-28;   

Next Sunday: 7th Sunday of Easter


Acts 1:15-17,​20-26;   Psalm 102(103):1-2,11-12,19-20;

1 John 4:11-16;   John 17:11-19

PARISH PRAYER FOR THE WEEK:  We pray for all people who are struggling to get enough food to eat, especially in Sudan where famine is looming: that God may guide us all to share what we can and to work together to ensure no one goes hungry.   Lord, in your mercy……

(CAFOD weekly prayers of intercession)

THE POPE’S INTENTION FOR MAY: For the formation of Religious and Seminarians

We pray that religious women and men, and seminarians, grow in their own vocations through their human, pastoral, spiritual and community formation, leading them to be credible witnesses to the Gospel.


We welcome Fr. Ed O’Connell to celebrate on Saturday evening (for Sunday)

and Fr Geoff Bottoms to celebrate our Mass this Sunday.

RIP TEDDY KELLY: Sue writes: Thank you for all the love and support our lovely parish family has given us. Teddys funeral will be on Tuesday the 14th May at  St Bedes Church Rotherham.  Mass will be at 12 midday You are all more than welcome to come and celebrate his life with us. Xxx

Our thoughts and prayers continue to be with the family at this very difficult time.

RIP MAUREEN APPLEY:  The Cremation service for Maureen Appley is on May 7th at Rotherham Crematorium.   We continue  pray for Helen  and the family at this sad time.

RETIRING COLLECTION:  Following an update from the Reflection Group the date for the CAFOD collection for the crisis in Sudan will now be following Masses on 11th and 12th May.

LOST CHORD:  Soup and Song at Wales Methodist Church, May 9th 12-2pm.  All welcome.


The people of Sudan need our help urgently. CAFOD are launching an emergency appeal for donations to get aid to them on the biggest scale we can muster.

When violence broke out last year in Sudan between government and paramilitaries, most aid agencies evacuated. Now, humanitarian workers are struggling to get back into Sudan to help, meaning severe delays in getting aid to the people, and the challenges of getting into areas where fighting is still going on remain.  Many borders are shut as the government say they need to keep weapons out.

But the Church and our local partners are still there. Please, stand with them today.

The situation has gone from serious to desperate very quickly. The UN is calling it ‘the world’s worst displacement crisis’. At least 8 million people have had to flee their homes; famine looms.

 “At least 25 million Sudanese need immediate, emergency help. Families are already going hungry and famine is looming. This crisis threatens to become the worst in living memory.”             (Telley Sadia, CAFOD’s country representative for Sudan)


Let us, as Cardinal Nichols and Bishop Swarbrick wrote recently to Cardinal Stephen Ameyu Martin Mulla, Archbishop of Juba and president of the Sudanese Bishops’ Conference,

‘extend to you the prayerful support of the Church in England and Wales and… express our solidarity with you in your current circumstances of profound distress. We have heard your cry in your recent statement, in which you reminded the international community of the need for support to bring about an end to the civil conflict and allow for immediate humanitarian access to alleviate hunger across Sudan.’

Our Caritas and Church networks are there when many aid agencies aren’t, where people are in a desperate situation. The Church in Sudan is already responding and asking us to help them do more. Even in this year of economic stretch for many people here, we know that the Catholic community will want to respond with compassion to help people facing famine.

 Despite this overwhelming scale, you will have seen how media attention is limited. We are calling on the Catholic community of England and Wales to give the people of Sudan our attention, and our hearts.

FREE WELL-BEING COURSE FOR PARENTS: Online – Wednesdays 6.30-7.30pm starting 8th May

A free six-week course for a happier and more relaxed you.

Join us to explore:-

How to take care of yourself as a parent and improve your wellbeing 

-         Emotional Self-care – Emotional self-care allows us to take time for the benefit of our health and well-being.

-         Thinking about putting your own needs first - building your resilience.

-         Being more assertive and setting boundaries – so that you can communicate better and more effectively at home and work.

-         Stress and relaxation techniques – learning new skills for a more relaxed you.

-         Build resilience and recover from trauma – To move forward in our life.

Come and join us for these relaxed, friendly and supportive sessions!

For more information and to book in please contact Janet Kent on 07927657462 or email


Live Simply: Neonicotinoid pesticides are lethal to Bees.  Please support beet farmers who chose not to use them. Sign the petition

Live Sustainably with Creation: Leave the lawn uncut in May, enjoy the wild flowers and the pollinators will enjoy a feast of pollen and nectar.

Live in Solidarity with the Poor: Cancel the Debt Campaign - Call on whoever is in government after the coming general election to commit to introducing a new debt justice law to cancel debt in lower income countries.

PLEASE PRAY FOR OUR SICK: George Blow and his grandma;  Victoria Broughton; Christopher Browne;  Eileen Butterfield;  Jim Chandler;   Sam Cleasby;  Betty Delaney;  Pat Duffin;  Gillian Gee;  Robert Hume;   Sophie Hughes;  Owen Jenkinson;  Sheila Kobyluch;  Jed Krotki;  Kumba;  Isabel Main-Reade;  Haylen Markillie;  Charlie Massarella;

John Parker;  Emma Pearson (Glen’s daughter);  Annie Reynolds;  Maria Senogles;  Sandra Sherratt;  Olive Stafford;  Robert Stock;  Pat Vickers;  Teresa Williams; and   Michel.

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