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Minutes of St Josephs Reflection Group 12th May 2021

Apologies: None

1. Reflection – What the church might look like after June 21st

• Fr Andy believes it will take some time before we are back to pre-pandemic and that people will only come back when they are ready.

• There is as yet no direction from the Diocese

• Zoom mass does help and some people feel safer in their own homes so we will continue with it for some time. M.P. said that although she is missing church and seeing people, she is enjoying Saturday Zoom mass. Some feel church is one of the safest places.

• We have a duty of care to parishioners to keep them safe – so we will keep social distancing and cleaning. We also need to keep abreast of covid variances.

• We need to bring back more involvement of the younger people as we fear there will be loss of some.

• There are a number of baptisms due this year and so we should use this occasion to develop and grow our connection with those families and young ones

• Looking forward to being able to sing at mass

• Capacity – past 2 Sundays mass has been booked to capacity (currently 56) M.C. believes we could increase this to 70. It was decided that if we worked in ‘bubbles’ rather than individuals we could create this extra capacity.

• S.H. suggested that next year we have a Baptismal Party for everyone who has had a child baptised over the last 3 years, maybe make this a full Parish social on the school field.

• Funerals – can also hold more people if we allow 30 ‘bubbles’

• Conclusion – all will not be ‘normal’ but all will be well

2. Finance – we are only going to get quarterly finance reports. However, a few things were discussed and agreed

• Gift Aid runs up to the end of May and will be reported when we have the figures

• Agreed to go ahead with Fr Andy’s kitchen – cost will be approx. £11,000 plus VAT = £13,200

• Blessed William Richardson

i. decorating will be done at the end of May in the same colours as St Josephs.

ii. Handrail and lights to do.

iii. Need Covid risk assessment doing.

iv. Repairs – repointed porch end but the float roof end pointing still needs doing. Can’t see a leak but will investigate more

v. Could open mid-June at the earliest.

3. When both churches are open, we will still stream Sunday morningmass on Zoom

4. St. Joseph’s School

• Laura’s report is very positive

• They are trying to get the school inspected this term to get out of special measures and believe they could achieve Good.

• Desperate to recruit 2 foundation governors – we need to promote this in our newsletters and may be do a personal appeal in mass

5. Marriages and Wedding

• There are new rulings which means that all old paperwork, registration etc has gone and it will all be digital

• The couple do not get a marriage certificate on the day they get married. If they want one, they have to apply to the Registrar at the Council. This is also true if anyone needs a copy of a marriage certificate.

• Fr Andy still has to fill in paperwork and send it to the Council after the wedding.

6. Care Group

• All care group members are phoning those in need and some door visits are taking place.

• The home visit and Covid guidelines suggest that from May 17th some of the care group may be able to visit the elderly. These rules may also apply to Eucharistic Ministers.

7. First Communion Programme

• S.H. brought to our attention the Liverpool programme which engages the parents and children in the session as they work through a booklet together. This means that the safeguarding issues will be covered and allow for more lively discussion.

• Maybe useful for next year – details to be passed to Cathy and Fran

8. Safefuarding

• There is a diocesan newsletter on Safeguarding that needs giving out to all parishioners. It will be posted on the website and printed out for mass at church

9. Wednesday Club – still on hold for now

10. CAFOD Campaign – Live Simply

• This initiative would give us an idea a month to share to help you live more simply – agreed to put it on the newsletter

11. Eucharistic Ministers – C.H.would like to hand over responsibility for organising eucharistic ministers within the next 6 months.

12. Reflection Group Chair – S.H. mentioned that she has been the chair for 12 years and it may be time for a change. The group felt that if she was still enjoying it she should continue but she is to think about it

Next meeting June 7th at 7pm

(AM.C and C.H. cannot attend)

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