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02.02.2022 Reflection Meeting

The Minutes from the Reflection Meeting. 2 Feb. 2022

People Present: Shauna Hilton, Fr. Andy, Mark Massarella, Anne Neil, Maria Paton,

Tony and Marie Lear, Alison Bergomi, Monica Carroll, Máine Hobart, Chris Parrott,

Absent : John Cape, Emma Slack, Anne-Marie Carroll, Mary Gilgrass. Apologies were sent in .

Update on progress preparing for the Synod.

A report has gone out to the parish and it looked in detail at what has been done so far. Some parishes have not done as much as we have.

Monica thinks we have done a lot very quickly. There will be another core meeting next week and next step will be planned. Anne -Marie has met with Laura and staff and will meet with children on Friday 4th Feb. She will report back.

Fr. Andy thinks we do well in celebrating, e.g visitors and thinks we should have a celebration in the summer, maybe a picnic after Mass.

Shauna is still worried about contact with teenagers.

Tony Lear thinks we are working on two levels, , one report to go to the Bishop and one that will be ongoing for the parish. Liverpool has produced a long report already and Tony feels we can study this report and see if we can try some of the suggestions in the report.

Monica thinks we should be aware of all the baptisms done lately. People want to be part of our parish.

Zoom Masses have brought a lot of people close to each other. The Care Group is held in high esteem in the diocese. We have approximately 13 children preparing for First Communion. We need to plan for Confirmation also. Marie P asked about St. Bernard’s, plans are in the pipeline to contact the Chaplin at St. Bernard’s.

Fr. Andy told us that Joe Long will talk at Masses this weekend at where he sees our parish at this time.. It was also mentioned that we have a growing Asian community in the parish and they are getting to know each other.

Anne talked about how well the laity help with funerals. Fr. Andy said we give hope in death. Tony hopes that the role of laity in funerals will show up in our report and will be noticed by other parishes. Also it was to be recorded how well the parish acted when the Bishop couldn’t get to us for Mass.. The group felt that thanks was due to Fr. Andy for allowing the laity to grow and take part in ceremonies.

The Minutes from January sent by Emma were looked at and a few corrections were made.

Marie P thanked Chris P. For her work about Living Simply.

We talked about Lent and Easter and began with a plan for Ash Wednesday. After Mass the ashes will be in small dishes and people can take them with them. The ashes will be blessed first on trays on the altar. Mass will be at 7pm.

Coffee after Mass will resume on Easter Sunday.

Chris is looking into activities we could do over Lent maybe on Zoom. Pray as you go have suggestions. Máine will look at what Knock Shrine will have available.

We hope to have walks again for the food banks. Cafod have suggested 5kms a day for 40 days . We may have a shared walk on 26th March. John and Máine are meeting with Anglican’s and Methodists soon to plan something together at Kiveton. Chris will talk more about it in the coming weeks.

As part of Living Simply Chris told us about a letter to our MP that will be at the back of Church about Human Rights. It was suggested that the letter be given out on the way in to Church and signed if agreed with ,on the way out.

Plastic is a big problem and our March plan we will try to make a difference. Maria said we should use the container for soft plastic that is in the entrance of Tesco.

Mark gave an intensive report on our Finance status. See Attachment.

Next scheme for the parish is to tackle damp in the sacristy of St. Joseph’s, Fr. Andy s bathroom and radiators in Kiveton. The kitchen in St. Joseph’s May have to be delayed.

The first step to deal with the dampness will be to move things from the cupboard, put in dehumidifiers. Maybe there should be separate meetings about maintenance.?

Discussion took place about the leak from the water tank near the organ. Maybe insurance could be had.

A question about the 170 club was asked but we need to check with Kevin M what is happening. Someone else needs to work with Kevin and look at where monies go.

Shauna talked about safe guarding and is sorting DBS’s

The new Catholic newspaper was mentioned. Máine was not too impressed with it. We are sorry that the Hallam News is finishing. How can we hear of what is happening around the diocese.

A cleaning Rota is being done by Anne Marie. Volunteers still needed for a few months.No Rotas yet for Readers, or Ministers.

Emma asked for help with the streaming, Allison said she would ask Josh and Cathy M already helps.

It was asked if we are doing anything for the Queens Jubilee. No answer yet.

The Spiritan priests will be having a fund raising at our Church on 25th and 26th of June. They were called The Holy Ghosts Fathers previously.

Next meeting is on March 9th.

Sent from my iPad

On 21 Oct 2021, at 15:48, Shauna Hilton <> wrote:

Sent from my iPhone

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